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Hacked Again


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It looks like my site has been hacked again. I wanted my customers not to have to register with the site to use it and not to have to include some personal info like their date of birth, but yesterday I discovered that requiring the DOB was required in the login, but I have not changed anything. So checked the server files and discovered the first level php pages were all altered on 12/11/09. My webmaster can't be reached and I don't know how to fix this. My webmaster used a template to set up the site that I bought. Can I use those php files from the original template folder to overwrite the tainted php files on the server? Also, I am on a shared SSL cert. Should I get one just for my shop? Would that help prevent further hacks like this. I have no knowledge of php and don't know how to fix this. Any suggestions for a hosting service that does not charge an arm and a leg to host my site that actually has tech support and knows oscommerce? Thank you for any help.

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My site has had the same thing. All the PHP files were modified on 12/10. I remove the Birth Date required in the Admin panel but a couple hours later the "false" has been changed to "true". What is going on?

A topic of interest

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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