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PayPal Express Checkout straight to PayPal?


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I hope someone can help with this query, I have searched for the solution here but can't find it.


With PayPal Express Checkout, when the user clicks the "Checkout with PayPal" button, it is meant to take them directly to PayPal, instead it takes them to the page on OsCommerce where they either sign up for a store acccount or register. I have installed the module which allows guest checkouts, but the Express Checkout still directs to that page when clicked (but displays the "checkout without account" option.


Does anyone here have the solution to get PayPal Express Checkout working the way it should be?


The user should click it, be brought straight to PayPal, where they login and confirm their address, and when they are sent back to OsCommerce the address from PayPal populates the address form (and they should have the option to create a store account) and then they click confirm to complete the payment.


Thanks in advance



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  • 2 weeks later...


I hope someone can help with this query, I have searched for the solution here but can't find it.


With PayPal Express Checkout, when the user clicks the "Checkout with PayPal" button, it is meant to take them directly to PayPal, instead it takes them to the page on OsCommerce where they either sign up for a store acccount or register. I have installed the module which allows guest checkouts, but the Express Checkout still directs to that page when clicked (but displays the "checkout without account" option.


Does anyone here have the solution to get PayPal Express Checkout working the way it should be?


The user should click it, be brought straight to PayPal, where they login and confirm their address, and when they are sent back to OsCommerce the address from PayPal populates the address form (and they should have the option to create a store account) and then they click confirm to complete the payment.


Thanks in advance



Same problem here !!! did you solve it???

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was frustrated with the Paypal Express modules out there. I thought,

"what's the point of an Express checkout button on the shopping cart page if you have to create an OSC account so that the shipping can be chosen?"


I was amazed that not even Paypal got it right, but then Google didn't get it right with their OSC Google checkout module.


So I've built a new one from scratch.


  • It has one button on the shopping cart page. You click it you go to Paypal with a shop logo at the top of that page
  • You log in to your Paypal account (or Sandbox).
  • You see the shopping cart and a selection of shipping options. You choose a shipping option (or don't if there's only one choice)
  • You click "Pay Now"


You're taken back to your OSC checkout success page with an account created if it's not already registered and all the order details in your OSC admin.



It's NOT a payment module, but it does have configuration in your Admin. It won't conflict with Onepage Checkout but may need some modifications if you've changed checkout_process.php. It works with MS2rc2, OSCMax 2.0.15, CRE Loaded 6.4 with only one file being modified.


Search for "graith 3 clicks paypal express"



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