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ordering add on? ask yes/no question


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I could add it as a buying option but most peopel would just buy whatever is defaulted so the numbers would be a bit off.


basically when checking out I would like to ask users if they are a student or teacher? perhaps that is a profile option box I can get put in somehow?

thank you

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I actually have the exact same feature on my website (although mine is a feature that the admin has to unlock for the customer).


I basically created a new BOOL field in the customers database called customers_teacher. I then modified the create/edit account queries in both the user and the admin section to allow for this field to be assigned/changed.

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That would work, but for flexibility I'd prefer to go with the suggestion of Bryce F - that way if you ever want to start using M/F you can still do so.


It is not hard to add in an extra question on the create_account stage. Just look for how it's done for the "gender" question, copy it and rename appropriately.

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I would add a new input field to the create account.


I would then add a field to the end of the customers table with default NULL this way you will not kill any already existing queries. Adding fields that are not null creates all sorts of problems.

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