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Product Attributes CheckBox -Pizzaria


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This is a great contribution, but I need help taking it to the next level.

Can you help me:

1. Selecting multiple Option Names is NO problem. However, selecting multiple OPTION VALUES under a Option Name does not work. For example, if I select (Sausage & Half) only Sausage shows in the cart.

2. I would like to sort the option values by price, then alphabetically, to get some kind of consistant order.

3. I wouuld love to put it in a table to make the appearance nicer.


I really appreciate your comments.



Pizza/Speciality Pizza/Buffalo Chicken Pizza

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This is a great contribution, but I need help taking it to the next level.

Can you help me:

1. Selecting multiple Option Names is NO problem. However, selecting multiple OPTION VALUES under a Option Name does not work. For example, if I select (Sausage & Half) only Sausage shows in the cart.

2. I would like to sort the option values by price, then alphabetically, to get some kind of consistant order.

3. I wouuld love to put it in a table to make the appearance nicer.


I really appreciate your comments.



Pizza/Speciality Pizza/Buffalo Chicken Pizza


Can someone please help?

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Hey Jennifer,


1. Not sure why only Sausage shows in cart and not half. Might have to assign different price for half & whole.

2. There is contributions that allows you to sort/display the attributes as you like.

3. It's already displayed in table cells. Unfortunately I can't see how you can seperate each option value into their own cell. Look below for a possible solution using different wording.


There is something funky going on with the attributes as you have it setup.

It should look more like this:

Pepperoni: [ ] half +$0.75 [ ] whole +$1.50

Sausage: _[ ] half +$0.75 [ ] whole +$1.50


I'm just curious...


Why not use the attributes option as it was setup/designed as?


Pepperoni on half +$0.75

Pepperoni on whole +$1.50

Sausage on half +$0.75

Sausage on whole +1.50

Pepperoni on half, Sausage on other half +$1.50

Pepperoni & Sausage on whole +3.00


Anyway, good luck!

- :: Jim :: -

- My Toolbox ~ Adobe Web Bundle, XAMPP & WinMerge | Install ~ osC v2.3.3.4 -

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a great contribution, but I need help taking it to the next level.

Can you help me:

1. Selecting multiple Option Names is NO problem. However, selecting multiple OPTION VALUES under a Option Name does not work. For example, if I select (Sausage & Half) only Sausage shows in the cart.

2. I would like to sort the option values by price, then alphabetically, to get some kind of consistant order.

3. I wouuld love to put it in a table to make the appearance nicer.


I really appreciate your comments.



Pizza/Speciality Pizza/Buffalo Chicken Pizza


Yes if you find a solution let me know please...


Also I am working on having the checkboxes for multiple OPTION VALUES. The Option Type contributions out there say they have a checkbox and do have a checkbox, but to me it functions similar to a radio button. And the explanations I get are like using a checkbox as a radio button. It is frustration for me because I have tried so many contributions that advertise checkboxes in the Attributes yet none function properly.

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