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The e-commerce.

Custumer mistake


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I am new...

hope you can help me



Some clients had register in my website, but no adress is fill up, and if I try to complete the data, it says, that the email is already in data base.

what can I do?

this clients cannot finished the bought!!



help help!!






I am new...

hope you can help me



Some clients had register in my website, but no adress is fill up, and if I try to complete the data, it says, that the email is already in data base.

what can I do?

this clients cannot finished the bought!!



help help!!



Go to Admin>>>>>Customers>>>>>Select the Customer>>>>>>Click Edit Button>>>>>>Edit Address>>>>>Update>>>>>>DONE :)


If that does not work you will need to edit the address in the phpmyadmin part of your database. Access you database and click customers table, select the customer edit details save to database and that should do it.


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Wow you answered that quick


did you try the


If that does not work you will need to edit the address in the phpmyadmin part of your database. Access you database and click customers table, select the customer edit details save to database and that should do it.


Sorry if you have just thought as you were so fast you might have missed my edit?


No no,


I know that, because I tried before came here to ask for help.

I edit the client, I wrote the adress and phone, but doenst let do the update at the end.

says that the email adress is alredy used



Wow you answered that quick


did you try the


If that does not work you will need to edit the address in the phpmyadmin part of your database. Access you database and click customers table, select the customer edit details save to database and that should do it.


Sorry if you have just thought as you were so fast you might have missed my edit?


well, you may not believe, but I already try, and I cannot.

No mistake, but she is alwys there. I already have this problem with 6 custumers!


very bad, no=?!


well, you may not believe, but I already try, and I cannot.

No mistake, but she is alwys there. I already have this problem with 6 custumers!


very bad, no=?!


Are you saying that you cannot make changes to your database through your webserver admin panel I do not mean www.yoursite.com/admin but your hosts admin (PHPMYADMIN)


If you cannot make any changes to your database through your host then you need to tell them and let them give you that ability.


where can I see this:


hosts admin (PHPMYADMIN)



because, I just see in www.mysite.com/admin


It is the admin panel provided to you by whoever hosts your website.


Which company do you pay for your hosting?

Where did you upload all of the files to get OSC working in the first place?

If you did not set up your website you need to speak to who did ask who is your Host?

If you do not have contact with the person that set it up you will need to ask who pays for the webhost who do they pay?


I cannot just say go to this website and you will have access to your admin panel as you will also need to know your hosts site login details and password.


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