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help in installation in dreamhost


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FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!


can any one help to how I will fix this problem.


In DreamHost's installation of PHP 5, the register_globals directive is disabled (which is actually the default condition); therefore, scripts relying on global variables that are automatically created during the submission of a form will not work as expected. Use the following superglobal array variables to access form (and other) data:









can any one please guide me to solve the probem, as i want to install oscommerce.


if you save the text below as php.ini


register_globals = On
safe_mode = Off


and upload it to your catalog and admin folder it should make the text go.

There is also a contribution you can get from the add on area that is more indepth


Sometimes you're the dog and sometimes the lamp post


My Contributions


Else apply register globals patch.



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