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osCommerce roll back capabilities


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I wonder if anyone wouldbe so kind as to help me.


I made some minor to my Cart which essentially allows me to capture the Telephone Number and email address in the order email.


I tested my update on my live site and it work. I have noticed that for some reason it has now stopped working


The email notification still comes in but minus the telephone and customer email address


My question is does os Commerce have some kind of default it rolls back to removing any changes?


Many thanks


Nothing changes on its own, something has happened to make this stop working.

Changes made elsewhere on the site could have made the function stop working, server restores by hosts are pretty common on shared servers... they do this without letting you know.

It could be anything, you need to go over the code and test to see where the problem is, or you could view your error logs to see if there is something there to help you


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My question is does os Commerce have some kind of default it rolls back to removing any changes?

Code changes are made to .php files, not the database. If you edit a .php file, there is no mechanism to "roll it back". Well, actually there is, but it takes action on your part -- you make a backup of the files you're going to change, before you start editing.


If your question is actually, "how do I roll back changes to the database", osC has no such feature. As far as I know, MySQL doesn't have transaction rollbacks, at least in the MyISAM engine. What you would need to do is -- back up -- your database before doing things that modify the structure, or even just the data, in your database.


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