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Authorize.net errors / Gateway No longer supported


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During a test mode run or a non test mode run using an active authorize.net account I get the following error:


The following errors have occurred.

(92) The gateway no longer supports the requested method of integration.


Please help on this matter. My client wants to use Authorize.net any module upgrades or code additions necessary to clear this up and in what files. Thank you


Please resist the temptation to cross-post to more than one forum. Contrary to what one might think, this behavior does not increase the odds that knowledgeable people will come to your aid. Instead, community members will actually be less likely to take the time to offer their advice.


Thanks for listening. I hope you are able to get your problem resolved quickly.


If your trying to set up a Weblink Relay Response connection than I wouldn't waste your time, authorize.net will no longer support it after april 2003.


Go with the SIM Relay Response (included with the current release of OSC 2.2) or the Direct Connect method (there is an OSC contribution for this.


This thread may be really usefull for you http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/viewtopic.php...4019&highlight=


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