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Updated RBS Worldpay Form Module


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I've just uploaded an updated version of Harald's Worldpay Select Junior (Form).


Will update with link once upload has finished (posting this before so I can include a forum link in module description).



If it still don't work, hit it again!

Senior PHP Dev with 18+ years of commercial experience for hire, all requirements considered, see profile for more information.

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Because it's over 300k it has to be manually approved.


Will update with links as soon as I get notified.



If it still don't work, hit it again!

Senior PHP Dev with 18+ years of commercial experience for hire, all requirements considered, see profile for more information.

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The contribution has been approved and can be found here.




Hope it helps.



If it still don't work, hit it again!

Senior PHP Dev with 18+ years of commercial experience for hire, all requirements considered, see profile for more information.

Is your version of osC up to date? You'll find the latest osC version (the community-supported responsive version) here.

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Are you able to tell me what has changed with the worldpay api as we're getting callback failures with our own integration but only in the past few weeks.


Hi Glen,


The updated callback page that I've uploaded only corrects deprecated code (non standard PHP code) and replaces the javascript click/return to home with a proper form post button.


I'm not aware of any changes with Worldpay that might affect you but that doesn't mean there hasn't been any.


The updated contribution works, you might want to try installing it and see if you still receive the failures. If you still receive them then it's a config issue in your control panel.



If it still don't work, hit it again!

Senior PHP Dev with 18+ years of commercial experience for hire, all requirements considered, see profile for more information.

Is your version of osC up to date? You'll find the latest osC version (the community-supported responsive version) here.

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I used your new updated module after experiencing problems with callbacks. Worked a dream!!!


Wicked Paul, cheers for the feedback :)

If it still don't work, hit it again!

Senior PHP Dev with 18+ years of commercial experience for hire, all requirements considered, see profile for more information.

Is your version of osC up to date? You'll find the latest osC version (the community-supported responsive version) here.

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Just installed your updated module and it works great, thanks,

However I'm not getting the email confirmation of the order.

I get the confirmation from worldpay and confirmation from the site of the invoice.

I've attached a screen shot which I hope will help explain.






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Just installed your updated module and it works great, thanks,

However I'm not getting the email confirmation of the order.

I get the confirmation from worldpay and confirmation from the site of the invoice.

I've attached a screen shot which I hope will help explain.


Hey Graham,


I'm not quite sure about what's going on here.


You say you're recieving a confirmation from the site of the invoice and confirmation from worldpay.


Do you mean you're not recieving the duplicate email that you can specify in admin and you're only recieving the confirmation as the customer?


If that's the case, I've found that the SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO hardly ever works. I've always had to delete the IF statement that starts around line 287 of checkout_process.php


So instead of


// send emails to other people


replace with


// send emails to other people


sometimes that wont work either depending on how the emails have been formatted in admin so I replace with


// send emails to other people


which sends the duplicate email to the store email address.


If you mean about the red cross on customer notified next to where it says WorldPay: Transaction Verified. You wouldn't recieve an email notifying you of this from the store, as Worldpay has already sent you one and the customer doesn't need to be notified because they'll only recieve order confirmation on successful payment.


If it's not that, then I dont understand the question, sorry.



If it still don't work, hit it again!

Senior PHP Dev with 18+ years of commercial experience for hire, all requirements considered, see profile for more information.

Is your version of osC up to date? You'll find the latest osC version (the community-supported responsive version) here.

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Sorry for not making it clear.

I'm trying to fix an issue for someone and am new to oscommerce.

Up to the middle of November he received an email of the store copy of the order.


I thought it may have stopped because of the worldpay callback issues.

As the order copy is sent if you use the Cash on Delivery option, this also made me think it was a worldpay issue.


He also had other issues with the callback on worldpay, and the fact it stripped out the buttons.

All of which your module solved.


Its a CRE loaded version of oscommerce so it's probably been modded somewhere.

However I'll try your suggestion.


Thanks for the reply and help, much appreciated.



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I have installed this add-on, and it doesn't seem to work as anticipated, but I don't know why.


I do no longer get a confirmation email when customers place an order, and suspect that this is also the case for the customer. The extra email works perfect for all other types of orders (ie except Worldpay orders).


Also I find it annoying that seemingly an order is created despite that the customer abandons the payment process. So have to delete these orders manually.


Can it have anything to do with the callback and md5 passwords? I have just invented a password and typed the same pw in on the contributions parameters and on Worldpays website. Btw, the word "callback" is not used in my Worldpay configuration panel - it is called "Payment Response enabled" not "Callback enabled"

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I have installed this add-on, and it doesn't seem to work as anticipated, but I don't know why.


I do no longer get a confirmation email when customers place an order, and suspect that this is also the case for the customer. The extra email works perfect for all other types of orders (ie except Worldpay orders).


Also I find it annoying that seemingly an order is created despite that the customer abandons the payment process. So have to delete these orders manually.


Can it have anything to do with the callback and md5 passwords? I have just invented a password and typed the same pw in on the contributions parameters and on Worldpays website. Btw, the word "callback" is not used in my Worldpay configuration panel - it is called "Payment Response enabled" not "Callback enabled"




As mentioned in the description, it's an updated version of the default Worldpay contribution provided by Harald (creator of OSC) which no longer worked. The only changes that have been made is that it provides a payment failure response as well as a success response.


Yes it is annoying for orders to be written to the database pre-payment, but that's how it's been designed (not by myself). However those orders wont display the Worldpay verified status so they're easy enough to spot.


The PDF instructions date back to 2007 and from the screenshots you can see that at one point they did label it as Callback. As I haven't made any real changes to the code I didn't see the need to update the PDF, when I get time I might.


Have you tested the contribution in test mode and put through a successful transaction in test mode? You'll be able to confirm then if the customer and yourself receives a confirmation email.


If it's configured correctly at the end of the payment process you'll see a button on the Worldpay site that says return to store, it's only after pressing this button that the emails are sent.



If it still don't work, hit it again!

Senior PHP Dev with 18+ years of commercial experience for hire, all requirements considered, see profile for more information.

Is your version of osC up to date? You'll find the latest osC version (the community-supported responsive version) here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pete


Thanks for working on this. I installed your new files but the callback function still isn't working.


I tried both links to the callback page:

http://<WPDISPLAY ITEM=MC_callback>



Neither of those return to the store confirmation page. Although I do get confirmation emails from RBS saying that the payment went through.

RBS told me that the system will automatically remove any script tags on the callback page. So I ran a test with a plain html page as the callback response page. After processing a test transaction RBS redirected to the html page.


So how do we make the callback function work properly?

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So how do we make the callback function work properly?


Try entering the url of the callback/response page directly into the browser, you should be presented with a clear white page. If you receive an error message then you can investigate from there.


Also double check that the Payment Response Password in Worldpay admin matches what you have in store module admin.


Try checking the order confirmation page (the last page before you're directed to worldpay), view the browser source and look for a field called MC_callback. Check to see if the value of that field starts with http:// (or https:// if you're using an ssl) if your store is sending that value then enter the callback url as <wpdisplay item=MC_callback> without the prefix http://


Finally make sure that Payment Response enabled? and Enable the Shopper Response are ticked.


Those are the only points I can think of where it would be failing.


I'll update the callback page when I have time to include diagnostics.

If it still don't work, hit it again!

Senior PHP Dev with 18+ years of commercial experience for hire, all requirements considered, see profile for more information.

Is your version of osC up to date? You'll find the latest osC version (the community-supported responsive version) here.

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Thanks for the quick response Peter.


Try entering the url of the callback/response page directly into the browser, you should be presented with a clear white page. If you receive an error message then you can investigate from there.

Check. Going directly to the callback page returns a clear white page.

Also double check that the Payment Response Password in Worldpay admin matches what you have in store module admin.


Try checking the order confirmation page (the last page before you're directed to worldpay), view the browser source and look for a field called MC_callback. Check to see if the value of that field starts with http:// (or https:// if you're using an ssl) if your store is sending that value then enter the callback url as <wpdisplay item=MC_callback> without the prefix http://

The field doesn't include the http://

Finally make sure that Payment Response enabled? and Enable the Shopper Response are ticked.



I saw the other discussion about this here. So I tried creating a simple form as described.

<p class="pageHeading"><?php echo STORE_NAME; ?></p>

<p class="main" align="center"><?php echo MODULE_PAYMENT_WORLDPAY_JUNIOR_TEXT_SUCCESSFUL_TRANSACTION; ?></p>
<META http-equiv="refresh" content="4;URL=http://xxxxx/store/checkout_process.php?osCsid=<?php echo $_POST['M_sid']; ?>&hash=<?php echo $_POST['hash']; ?>">

<p align="center">
<a href ="http://xxxxx/store/checkout_process.php?osCsid=<?php echo $_POST['M_sid']; ?>&hash=<?php echo $_POST['hash']; ?>">If you are not automatically returned after 5 seconds - Click here to return to the store to complete your order</a>


That does at least go back to the confirmation page. Although I'd rather use your system to deal with canceled payments.

Edited by nativepaul
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I too have been having problems with Worldpay so I downloaded this update.


However I have no idea where I should install it? Do any values need changing in the code?


Could someone please give some newbie advice on how to install this update over an existing Worldpay module that has suddenly stopped returning to my site after payment has been made.

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This contribution simply doesn't work. Today I discovered that I have a lot of wholes in the order sequence, which is a phenomenon that started when I installed the contribution. Missing order numbers is very bad from an accounting point of view, but more worrying is the possibility that some people believe they have placed an order but haven't.


This evening I have the last two orders recorded in Oscommerce as 22444 and 22447. But looking through my Worldpay confirmations I then noticed a payment from a customer with order id 22445 that was missing in the Oscommerce order module. I then had to enter this order manually and gave it order number 22448. But as 22446 seemingly has been taken, possibly some customer thinks he/she has placed an order - but who, what????


I have plenty of missing numbers I just observed. Around 15 missing numbers per 100!


And further to this many of the orders are left in the order system with status "Preparing [Worldpay]". And for these orders the customers don't get the Oscommerce order confirmation.


This contribution is basically very simple to install, so I cannot see how I could have missed something. Assume these erros applies to everyone using it. This error is critical to me, so what can I do? Are there any working alternatives for processing Worldpay card payments?



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This contribution simply doesn't work. Today I discovered that I have a lot of wholes in the order sequence, which is a phenomenon that started when I installed the contribution. Missing order numbers is very bad from an accounting point of view, but more worrying is the possibility that some people believe they have placed an order but haven't.


This evening I have the last two orders recorded in Oscommerce as 22444 and 22447. But looking through my Worldpay confirmations I then noticed a payment from a customer with order id 22445 that was missing in the Oscommerce order module. I then had to enter this order manually and gave it order number 22448. But as 22446 seemingly has been taken, possibly some customer thinks he/she has placed an order - but who, what????


I have plenty of missing numbers I just observed. Around 15 missing numbers per 100!


And further to this many of the orders are left in the order system with status "Preparing [Worldpay]". And for these orders the customers don't get the Oscommerce order confirmation.


This contribution is basically very simple to install, so I cannot see how I could have missed something. Assume these erros applies to everyone using it. This error is critical to me, so what can I do? Are there any working alternatives for processing Worldpay card payments?






Sorry to hear the contribution doesn't work for you. Unfortunately due to the way this contribution has been set up (By the original writer and Oscommerce creater Harald) there will be jumps in order numbers. Orders are placed in the database before successful payment (not by my design). If the payment has been unsuccessful or the customer cancels then the orders are deleted. The next order then takes the order number after the previous cancelled order.


Failure to update the status message (where it had been working before) could be a number of reasons, DNS/server problems etc. However never rely on any payment gateways response, always crosscheck your orders against those within the gateway providers admin. Worldpay provides a testing account with your service and you can use test credit card numbers, I'd advise taking the site out of production and testing it fully.


The contribution works fine for my needs, I haven't changed any fhe original functionality of the original (that no longer works at all) just updated it with code that isn't deprecated and added a payment failure response message. Unfortunately I wont be looking to update or change the basic operation of the module (orders processed post payment instead of pre payment) unless I have to (when one of my clients requests and pays for that rewrite).


I'm not aware of any other Worldpay Form payment contributions other than the orignal version of this that doesn't work which was why I offered this as a contribution.


In the future I'll be updating the response page with a debugging and error checking mode when I have time as currently it has none.

If it still don't work, hit it again!

Senior PHP Dev with 18+ years of commercial experience for hire, all requirements considered, see profile for more information.

Is your version of osC up to date? You'll find the latest osC version (the community-supported responsive version) here.

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Is it not possible to enclose a readme with the contribution that explains how to install the module. I asked before but I guess newbies have no place here. Thanks anyway.

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Is it not possible to enclose a readme with the contribution that explains how to install the module. I asked before but I guess newbies have no place here. Thanks anyway.


Hi Backinaction,


It is entirely possible, in fact there's a readme.pdf file contained within the zip file when you downloaded it.


It's not possible to have time to answer all questions on here so I tend to concentrate only those that are not already covered by the readme.pdf file.


Please ensure that you backup your files and database before installing the contribution, if after reading the instructions fully you are still unsure of how you should tackle it then I would suggest hiring or contacting someone who is experienced with OSC and PHP.



If it still don't work, hit it again!

Senior PHP Dev with 18+ years of commercial experience for hire, all requirements considered, see profile for more information.

Is your version of osC up to date? You'll find the latest osC version (the community-supported responsive version) here.

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Is it not possible to enclose a readme with the contribution that explains how to install the module. I asked before but I guess newbies have no place here. Thanks anyway.

I must agree with Peter Buzzin. This is one of the easiest contributions to install at all, so you are in severe difficulties if you cannot do this. Read the text thoroughly and then hopefully it will work for you.

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I must agree with Peter Buzzin. This is one of the easiest contributions to install at all, so you are in severe difficulties if you cannot do this. Read the text thoroughly and then hopefully it will work for you.

Must also agree, was new 2 os but found this easy and no different 2 other open source software.

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Pete, could my problems have something to do with using a "callback password" and "MD5 Password"? Those were not being used in the old - and well working - Worldpay add-on I used previously. In my OSC Payment Modules settings I have updated the same password for these two parameters, and of course entered the same values in the Worldpay configuration panel.


Some people have also reported some cookie issues which didn't seem to be a problem previously.


Actually it is very few of my Worldpay orders that works as expected, so basically I suspect something is wrong somewhere.

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I managed to fix my callback issue.

I think it has something to do with the fact that I'm running the WPOSC version of OSCommerce. So I'm not sure what code was causing the problem but if anyone else is using WP OSCommerce for Wordpress then perhaps they'll find it useful.


This is the complete code I used in



 $Id: junior_callback.php 1807 2008-01-13 00:50:08Z hpdl $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2008 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

 if (isset($_POST['M_sid']) && !empty($_POST['M_sid'])) {
   require ('includes/application_top.php');

   if ($_POST['transStatus'] == 'Y') {
     $pass = false;

     if (isset($_POST['M_hash']) && !empty($_POST['M_hash']) && ($_POST['M_hash'] == md5($_POST['M_sid'] . $_POST['M_cid'] . $_POST['cartId'] . $_POST['M_lang'] . number_format($_POST['amount'], 2) . MODULE_PAYMENT_WORLDPAY_JUNIOR_MD5_PASSWORD))) {
       $pass = true;

     if (isset($_POST['callbackPW']) && ($_POST['callbackPW'] != MODULE_PAYMENT_WORLDPAY_JUNIOR_CALLBACK_PASSWORD)) {
       $pass = false;

     if (tep_not_null(MODULE_PAYMENT_WORLDPAY_JUNIOR_CALLBACK_PASSWORD) && !isset($_POST['callbackPW'])) {
       $pass = false;

     if ($pass == true) {
       include('includes/languages/' . basename($_POST['M_lang']) . '/modules/payment/worldpay_junior.php');

       $order_query = tep_db_query("select orders_status, currency, currency_value from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where orders_id = '" . (int)$_POST['cartId'] . "' and customers_id = '" . (int)$_POST['M_cid'] . "'");
       if (tep_db_num_rows($order_query) > 0) {
         $order = tep_db_fetch_array($order_query);

         if ($order['orders_status'] == MODULE_PAYMENT_WORLDPAY_JUNIOR_PREPARE_ORDER_STATUS_ID) {

           tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_ORDERS . " set orders_status = '" . $order_status_id . "', last_modified = now() where orders_id = '" . (int)$_POST['cartId'] . "'");

           $sql_data_array = array('orders_id' => $_POST['cartId'],
                                   'orders_status_id' => $order_status_id,
                                   'date_added' => 'now()',
                                   'customer_notified' => '0',
                                   'comments' => 'WorldPay: Transaction Verified');

           tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY, $sql_data_array);

             $sql_data_array = array('orders_id' => $_POST['cartId'],
                                     'orders_status_id' => $order_status_id,
                                     'date_added' => 'now()',
                                     'customer_notified' => '0',
                                     'comments' => MODULE_PAYMENT_WORLDPAY_JUNIOR_TEXT_WARNING_DEMO_MODE);

             tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY, $sql_data_array);
.pageHeading {
 font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 font-size: 20px;
 font-weight: bold;
 color: #9a9a9a;

.main {
 font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 font-size: 11px;
 line-height: 1.5;

<p class="pageHeading"><?php echo STORE_NAME; ?></p>

<p class="main" align="center"><?php echo MODULE_PAYMENT_WORLDPAY_JUNIOR_TEXT_SUCCESSFUL_TRANSACTION; ?></p>

<form action="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS, tep_session_name() . '=' . $_POST['M_sid'] . '&hash=' . $_POST['M_hash'], 'SSL', false); ?>" method="post">
<div align="center">
  <input name="submit" type="submit" value="<?php echo sprintf(MODULE_PAYMENT_WORLDPAY_JUNIOR_TEXT_CONTINUE_BUTTON, addslashes(STORE_NAME)); ?>" />

<p> </p>

	include('includes/languages/' . basename($_POST['M_lang']) . '/modules/payment/worldpay_junior.php');
.pageHeading {
 font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 font-size: 20px;
 font-weight: bold;
 color: #9a9a9a;

.main {
 font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
 font-size: 11px;
 line-height: 1.5;

<p align="center" class="pageHeading"><?php echo STORE_NAME; ?></p>

<p class="main" align="center"><?php echo MODULE_PAYMENT_WORLDPAY_JUNIOR_TEXT_UNSUCCESSFUL_TRANSACTION;?></p>

<form action="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, tep_session_name() . '=' . $_POST['M_sid'] . '&hash=' . $_POST['M_hash'], 'SSL', false); ?>" method="post">
<div align="center">
  <input name="submit" type="submit" value="<?php echo sprintf(MODULE_PAYMENT_WORLDPAY_JUNIOR_TEXT_CONTINUE_BUTTON, addslashes(STORE_NAME)); ?>" />
<p align="center"> </p>

<div align="center">


Now I just need to make it look better.

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  • 4 months later...

Small error noted that was causing some people to process after cancelling even with the new contribution.

//line 133:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS, tep_session_name() . '=' . $_POST['M_sid'] . '&hash=' . $_POST['hash'], 'SSL', false); ?>">

//Should be

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, tep_session_name() . '=' . $_POST['M_sid'] . '&hash=' . $_POST['hash'], 'SSL', false); ?>">


I no have anothere query, I get this error and I am wondering if anyone can stop it displaying:

<b>Warning</b>:  session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/site/public_html/ext/modules/payment/worldpay/junior_callback.php:25) in <b>/home/site/public_html/includes/functions/sessions.php</b> on line <b>102</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/site/public_html/ext/modules/payment/worldpay/junior_callback.php:25) in <b>/home/site/public_html/includes/functions/sessions.php</b> on line <b>102</b><br />

Edited by Mazer
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