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phpmyadmin error while importing database values


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I really need help with this, if someone knows what I can do to solve it...

I am using phpmyadmin to insert my store's products, as there are 1000 different products and doing it one by one would not be easy...

But, when the product description or name has a special character, like ã, á, à, é, etc, the information does not apear from the special character.

For example if a product is called "biberão pequeno", and I insert it via phpmyadmin (importing a sql file), what stays in the database (and the site, of course), is only "biber", so, the special character and everything that is after gets lost...


Does anyone have a clue on how to solve this?

Sorry about my not so good english, I can try explaining another way...


Thanks in advance,



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