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The e-commerce.

Looking For Assistance


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I'm looking for some OSCommerce help/assistance. My site is triplexbooks.com if you wish to take a gander.



Quite a few things I'm seeking assistance on, sort of involved, but I'll try to be brief. Little backgound first: I used to sell on eBay, but their fees became ridiculous & I stopped. While on eBay I used InkFrog as an image hosting & template service for my ads. I like the way you can do thumbnails, etc, for them. I still use Inkfrog for my triplexbooks site. This is pertinent to part of what I'm looking for. Here's what I'm seeking help on...



1) Is there any WYSIWYG for php? I had a fella do my Main Page & I would like to change some things sometimes, but don't because I've no clue about php. I have no desire to mess things up. Also, the border is provided by an Inkfrog image. I'd like this to be some sort of border hosted on my own site so I no longer have to use Inkfrong. The fella that helped me out with this page originally is no longer available.


2) If you look at my E-BOOKS & MORE pages, you'll see the small thumbnail images in the ads. These are hosted on Inkfrog. Their automatic template thing does this for me. I want to be able to do this 100% from my site and forego paying InkFrog the $10 a month for their service. When I was selling on eBay, their service was great. Now I see this $10 a month as mostly a wasted expense.


3) I'd like to have the images 'Blow-Up' if someone hovers their mouse over an image without having to click that particular book to get more details. Example... look at the Liverpools section. Each page shows 20 entries. The very 1st book is AIN-2040. I'd like people to be able to hover over that image and see a blow-up version of the cover WITHOUT having to click on the title to get more details & then blow-up the image.




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