johnnyosc Posted February 20, 2003 Posted February 20, 2003 Hello, When using the whats new or random item box module, how can you get it to display more than one item? Let say I want to display 6 items. How would you code it? below is the code for the random item. <?php /* show_random.php: entirely based on $Id: whats_new.php,v 1.30 2002/06/05 20:59:08 dgw_ Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions Copyright © 2002 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ ?> <!-- show_random //--> <tr> <td> <?php if ($random_product = tep_random_select("select products_id, products_image, products_tax_class_id, products_price from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " where products_status='1' limit " . MAX_RANDOM_SELECT_NEW)) { $random_product['products_name'] = tep_get_products_name($random_product['products_id']); $random_product['specials_new_products_price'] = tep_get_products_special_price($random_product['products_id']); $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'left', 'text' => 'BOX_HEADING_SHOW_RANDOM' ); new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, false, tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL')); if ($random_product['specials_new_products_price']) { $rprod_price = '<s>' . $currencies->display_price($random_product['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($random_product['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</s><br>'; $rprod_price .= '<span class="productSpecialPrice">' . $currencies->display_price($random_product['specials_new_products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($random_product['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</span>'; } else { $rprod_price = $currencies->display_price($random_product['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($random_product['products_tax_class_id'])); } $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $random_product['products_id']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $random_product['products_image'], $random_product['products_name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '</a><br><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $random_product['products_id'], 'NONSSL') . '">' . $random_product['products_name'] . '</a><br>' . $rprod_price ); new infoBox($info_box_contents); } ?> </td> </tr> <!-- show_random_eof //-->
Christian Lescuyer Posted February 21, 2003 Posted February 21, 2003 See there: limit " . MAX_RANDOM_SELECT_NEW Try changing the parameter in admin, maximum values section. Christian Lescuyer
johnnyosc Posted February 22, 2003 Author Posted February 22, 2003 i dont see the parameter in admin for the random item. i believe the contribution didnt have an admin file to update the max. value section. please advise if im incorrect. johnnyosc
Guest Posted February 22, 2003 Posted February 22, 2003 Hi, In admin under maximum values the "new products module" count is what is on the default.php page in the new products box. A little further down is the "new products listing" which is how many is on a page when you click the what's new link in the column box. Hope this helps!
toolcrazy Posted April 27, 2003 Posted April 27, 2003 See there: limit " . MAX_RANDOM_SELECT_NEW Try changing the parameter in admin, maximum values section. This select the number of item that is randomized. Not the number of items in the Info box. I would like to do this in the Whats new box. I'm using just text and no images. So I have room for a second item. Steve -------------------------
mbianchi Posted May 1, 2003 Posted May 1, 2003 I'm with ya. If anyone knows how to add more products to the "what's new" box, it sure would be helpful. Thanks! Mark Dayton, OH
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