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Special Prices not displaying!


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I just noticed that my special prices are not showing up and am not entirely sure where to begin looking.



I have the Happy Hours contribution, which displays a daily deal that I have set up, and it is showing that deal properly but when you click on it, the product info page is not showing that there is any deal.


Also, when clicking on an item that has a "Special" price attached to it, that special price is not displaying either. If you add the product to the cart, it does not add it with the special price.


Does anyone have some ideas as to what files I need to look at, and what to look for to find the broken piece?

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Was this contribution working properly and now is not ?


Or is this a new contribution you just installed ? If it is, you should go back over the changes required to make sure the specials.php was changed correctly. You could restore your backup and do the changes again if you are not sure.






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