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The e-commerce.

Super Download Shop


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OK... So im new to Php and MySql, so am really confused with how to install the "Super Download Shop"


My website is at http://www.dropbeatdigital.com/catalog


Up to now I have manged to get the physical goods listed for sale, sorted paypal and run a test so that i no it works...ie the pioneer cdj for 2p :-)



What is giving me a total and pure headache is trying to install the module for the digital downloads... I am sure i have tried everything,


After following all the instructions from the downloaded module file;


STEP #1 - Run sql scripts


* Run both sql scripts via phpMyAdmin.

* - Notice - If Downloads Controllers has already been installed before, DO NOT run downloads_controller_english.sql again.

STEP #2 - Copy all files in new_files/catalog over

* /catalog/admin/filegroup_db_setup.php

* /catalog/admin/includes/group_download.php

* /catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/ic_down.gif

* /catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/ic_up.gif

* /catalog/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_download.gif

STEP #3 - Modify existing files


* catalog/checkout_process.php

* catalog/download.php

* catalog/admin/orders.php

* catalog/admin/products_attributes.php

* catalog/admin/includes/configure.php

* catalog/admin/includes/database_tables.php

* catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/products_attributes.php

* catalog/includes/database_tables.php

* catalog/includes/modules/downloads.php

STEP 3.1 - Modified files are in modified_files folder of this package. Plaese use file comparing tool like WinMerge to make modifications to

* catalog/checkout_process.php

* catalog/download.php

* catalog/includes/modules/downloads.php

* catalog/admin/orders.php

* catalog/admin/products_attributes.php

If you didn't modify these 5 files before, you can upload them and overwrite the existing files. (Only apply to osCommerce 060817 update)

STEP 3.2 - And then add new definitions to files list below: (Do NOT overwrite your existing files with the ones came with this package!!)

* catalog/includes/database_tables.php

* catalog/admin/includes/configure.php

* catalog/admin/includes/database_tables.php

* catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/products_attributes.php

STEP #4 - Run db setup

* Run catalog/admin/filegroup_db_setup.php in your browser. This file will create the initial file group entry in your database for each language you have.

* - Important! - The file group id #0 must be defined by this file, it's for downloads which are not using file groups (single file per item).

STEP #5 - Modify Payment Modules

* Some payment modules, such as osCommerce PayPal IPN module, bypass checkout_process.php, which causes the modification skipped and fails this contribution. Modification in checkout_process.php must be manually coded into such payment modules.


All i get when typing in my browser is this;


1146 - Table 'dropbeat_alpha.TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES_DOWNLOAD_GROUPS' doesn't exist


select * from TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES_DOWNLOAD_GROUPS where download_group_id = 0 and language_id = '1'




I have used winmerge to modify the files, and dreamweaver to upload/download (get/put) also used smart ftp to transfer images etc etc etc


Anyone no how i can get this working, would be grately appreciated...or if there is any vids on web explaing it to a dummy like me hahhaha

oh and this i dont understand at all....would be good if anyone could give me a step by step...


The file group id #0 must be defined by this file, it's for downloads which are not using file groups (single file per item).


Thian :-)



All i get when typing in my browser is this;


1146 - Table 'dropbeat_alpha.TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES_DOWNLOAD_GROUPS' doesn't exist


select * from TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES_DOWNLOAD_GROUPS where download_group_id = 0 and language_id = '1'




This error tells you that the table doesnt exist

you can try to reinstall that section of the database

i think there is a .sql file in that installation.

run that and it should add that table.


This error tells you that the table doesnt exist

you can try to reinstall that section of the database

i think there is a .sql file in that installation.

run that and it should add that table.



Nice 1 for the reply dude...fixed it tho...the prob was when i used winmerge....I meged the wrong files lol...well i now have it working,

jus alittle confused on a few things;


1) How or were do i upload my music to for download sales

2) How do i set it up so that virtual downloads (as in music) and physical goods to be delivered...etc

3) Is there anyway i can incorporate the same customer login details for the rest of my music site, ie home page, content, artists etc etc

4) Can any1 recomend any other tutorials or step by step instructions, pref video tutorials for the above




1. Upload them to the directory specified for downloads in your catalog/includes configure file. By default this will be a directory called 'download'... With SDS you can also use sub-directories in that directory


2. It's already set up. You just have to create your downloadable products and specify that they are downloads using the admin product attributes tool. Depending on your shipping methods, you might have to make small changes to the shipping modules to prevent downloadable products being charged for shipping when a customer presents a mixed basket


3. Pass


4. When you install an addon read all the instructions, readme texts etc that come with the packages carefully. Generally there are clues about usage in there. Exploring the menu options in admin is also a useful way of getting to know what settings you can set in osc...

www.jyoshna.com. Currently using OsC with STS, Super Download Store, Categories Descriptons, Manufacturers Description, Individual Item Status, Infopages unlimited, Product Sort, Osplayer with flashmp3player, Product Tabs 2.1 with WebFx Tabpane and other bits and pieces including some I made myself. Many thanks to all whose contributions I have used!


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