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OSC Download Feature Question


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Using the download feature in OSC, let's assuming instead of using it as a for sale product with digital delivery, can we use it just like a final manager to where we can create a product with 0 price and people can just download the file without going through checkout? My client needs the ability to post files for download, but these are free files, I need to know if the download feature will do this by default without forcing someone to go through checkout or if I will need to modify it.


Just making them free won't skip the checkout.


..if they're free does he really need shopping cart software to give them away? :blink: Or does he actually sell stuff too :)

www.jyoshna.com. Currently using OsC with STS, Super Download Store, Categories Descriptons, Manufacturers Description, Individual Item Status, Infopages unlimited, Product Sort, Osplayer with flashmp3player, Product Tabs 2.1 with WebFx Tabpane and other bits and pieces including some I made myself. Many thanks to all whose contributions I have used!


Do the free template files need to be part of the catalog (searchable, etc.)? If not, just make them ordinary links <a href="blah blah/template123.psd">Get the template here.</a> within the product description or on a special page. Even if they need to be searchable as part of the catalog, you could just stick the download link into the "product" description, and make the "product" out of stock and thus not addable to the cart.


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