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Currency showing � instead of £


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please help, have search forums and google but cant find any answers.


just installed new oscommerce 2.2 rc2a and are having display issues. default Euro and USD currencys working fine. added new currency, UK Pound - GBP - £ - - . - , - 2 - 1.00


£ symbol in catalog showing as �

admin area the £ symbol is showing correctly as £


left symbol can be changed to any other symbol and displays correctly, just wont display £ symbol.


any ideas please.

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This is not a fault with OSC - its a database niggle. You possibly need to use HTML entities to correct the problem. Go into phpMyAdmin on your hosting, click 'currencies' in the left column, then the 'browse' tab. Slect the 'Pounds' entry, click the 'pencil' an in the 'symbol left' value field, put one of the following - & # 163; (without the spaces) or £ then click 'Go'

Go to your website and check if the £ symbol shows, if not repeat the above with the second option. One will do the trick. I have to do this frequently.



please help, have search forums and google but cant find any answers.


just installed new oscommerce 2.2 rc2a and are having display issues. default Euro and USD currencys working fine. added new currency, UK Pound - GBP - £ - - . - , - 2 - 1.00


£ symbol in catalog showing as �

admin area the £ symbol is showing correctly as £


left symbol can be changed to any other symbol and displays correctly, just wont display £ symbol.


any ideas please.

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This is not a fault with OSC - its a database niggle. You possibly need to use HTML entities to correct the problem. Go into phpMyAdmin on your hosting, click 'currencies' in the left column, then the 'browse' tab. Slect the 'Pounds' entry, click the 'pencil' an in the 'symbol left' value field, put one of the following - & # 163; (without the spaces) or £ then click 'Go'

Go to your website and check if the £ symbol shows, if not repeat the above with the second option. One will do the trick. I have to do this frequently.



Many thanks for your help. The &Pound; worked fine.

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