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specials.php error in mysql


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I am receiving the following mysql error while trying to access my specials module in the admin:



1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-20, 20' at line 1


select p.products_id, pd.products_name, p.products_price, s.specials_id, s.specials_new_products_price, s.specials_date_added, s.specials_last_modified, s.expires_date, s.date_status_change, s.status from products p, specials s, products_description pd where p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '1' and p.products_id = s.products_id order by pd.products_name limit -20, 20




Can anyone help me on this? Thanks

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What version of osC are you running? Newer versions have this patched. Instead of just $offset in an SQL "limit" phrase, they use max($offset, 0). In includes/classes/split_page_results.php, change

$this->sql_query .= " limit " . $offset . ", " . $this->number_of_rows_per_page;


$this->sql_query .= " limit " . max($offset, 0) . ", " . $this->number_of_rows_per_page;

Do the same in admin/includes/classes/split_page_results.php:

$sql_query .= " limit " . $offset . ", " . $max_rows_per_page;


$sql_query .= " limit " . max($offset, 0) . ", " . $max_rows_per_page;

If your code was already updated so, the problem must lie elsewhere, such as in an add-on. Look for limit in the PHP code, and check that the first value following is either a constant or is constrained with max($offset, 0) style coding. The actual variable used may of course be something other than $offset.

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