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The e-commerce.

Session is not working as it should


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So I tried both oscommerce 2.2 (latest on github) and 3.0 alpha 5 and both of them give me different problems, lets start with osc 2.2:

  1. I can't register a new user, once I click continue for the register form I will just end up back at the register form.
  2. I can't add items to the shopping cart, once I click "add to cart" I will just get redirected to an empty cart.

However I can still login in on the admin section without any problems, so I'm not sure whats wrong here.


osc 3.0 alpha 5:

  1. I can't login on the admin page, once I type the correct login details I will just get redirected back to the login page, the $_SESSION['admin'] is also NULL again.
  2. Same as before, I can't add items to the shopping cart, once I click "add to cart" I will just get redirected to an empty cart.


Anyone else experiencing my problems?



I'm working on a localhost using WAMP with php 5.3

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I found out why I couldn't login on the admin page on osc 3.0 alpha 5, however I'm not sure how to solve the problem. Every time i refresh the page a new session is created in the database so even though I login the page try to select a new session once I reload the page, here is the lines in includes/classes/session/database.php (starting on line 65)


protected function _custom_read($id) {
     global $osC_Database;

     $Qsession = $osC_Database->query('select value from :table_sessions where id = :id'); // This id should be the same but It refeshes every time I

     if ( $this->_life_time > 0 ) {
       $Qsession->appendQuery('and expiry >= :expiry');
       $Qsession->bindInt(':expiry', time());

     $Qsession->bindTable(':table_sessions', TABLE_SESSIONS);
     $Qsession->bindValue(':id', $id);

     if ( $Qsession->numberOfRows() === 1 ) {
       return $Qsession->value('value');

     return false;

I can't figure out where custom_read is called and why the id isn't that same, would really like some help here!

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