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[Contribution] Cross Sell (X-Sell) Admin


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hi, i have a problem with this add-on.


i installed it, everything works well, but i have problem in the design.


look in here:



how can i fix it? make it look like its a part of the design? like its in the white box?




You have the same problem sourpickles have. I cound not understand what's wrong with it for now. Everything seems OK: stylesheet, used box class, module xsell_products.php... but something is going incorrect.

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You have the same problem sourpickles have. I cound not understand what's wrong with it for now. Everything seems OK: stylesheet, used box class, module xsell_products.php... but something is going incorrect.


is there a way to cancel the box of crossell? and move the 2 items to the lower section of the box of the products?





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is there a way to cancel the box of crossell? and move the 2 items to the lower section of the box of the products?





You may comment out or delete code

      echo tep_cache_xsell_products(3600); //added for Xsell


      include(DIR_WS_MODULES . FILENAME_XSELL_PRODUCTS); //added for Xsell

from catalog\product_info.php. This will remove XSell box from product pages.


To add xsells to the product section you need a query to XSell table and a code to show xsells. In other words you need to rewrite some part of xsell box, but have more problems. It is better try to solve the problem with background in XSell box. Something in your design is going wronng and prevent XSell box shown its background. I'm appretiate if you found a solution.

Edited by RusNN
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  • 5 weeks later...

It's amazing what a little read can do. I loaded 2.7 (the latest posted) and racked my brain. It wouldn't work at all. I read the article and followed the instruction to load 2.6. It worked like a charm. Thanks for this contrib. Why don't you simply remove 2.7?


I read on about randomizing the output. And this works too. That's cool but what I'm looking for is a random output if no products are linked for cross-sell. This is a lot of work to go through 100's of products and manually link them. If not, no cross-selling occurs.


If no products are linked for cross-sell, is there a way for the store to automatically and randomly pull other products from atleast the same category?


My store is located at http://www.erobony.com to see this mod. You'll need to search for "clone". This will bring up products that are linked.

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  • 1 month later...

I've got this error on my product listing page:


1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'MAX_DISPLAY_XSELL' at line 7


select distinct p.products_id, p.products_image, pd.products_name, p.products_tax_class_id, products_price, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price, specials_new_products_price from products_xsell xp left join products p on xp.xsell_id = p.products_id left join products_description pd on p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '1' left join specials s on p.products_id = s.products_id where xp.products_id = '12089' and p.products_status = '1' order by sort_order asc limit MAX_DISPLAY_XSELL





Please could someone tell me how to fix it - many thanks

Edited by DawnG
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hallo to everybody,

I have installed the xsell 2.7.3 and everything goes well...just one problem:

the xsell box show the price and ALSO the special offer price, but the offer it's not available! The is a offer about that product, but in the admin the state is red.

please see: http://www.elzapoppin.it/store/blik-wall-decals-keith-haring-keith-haring-dancers-p-31.html?language=en

if you clik on this product you see that there isn't the offer...

please help me!

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I try to make some changes and this work about the problem above (show special price also when special price is off)

in catalog/includes/includes modules/xsell_products.php


if (tep_not_null($xsell['specials_new_products_price'])) {

$xsell_price = '<s>' . $currencies->display_price($xsell['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($xsell['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</s><br>';

$xsell_price .= '<span class="productSpecialPrice">' . $currencies->display_price($xsell['specials_new_products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($xsell['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</span>';

} else {

$xsell_price = $currencies->display_price($xsell['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($xsell['products_tax_class_id']));



and replace with:


if ($xsell_price = tep_get_products_special_price($xsell['products_id'])) {

$xsell_price = '<s>' . $currencies->display_price($xsell['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($xsell['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</s> <span class="productSpecialPrice">' . $currencies->display_price($xsell['specials_new_products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($xsell['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</span>';

} else {

$xsell_price = $currencies->display_price($xsell['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($xsell['products_tax_class_id']));





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Great contribution.


But if you have selected to only show 3 xselled products but have 6 associated it will only ever show the same 3, it seems to list them in a specific order.


Is there a way we can randomise what products it displays, or maybe be able to give priority to some and randomise the others?

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  • 4 weeks later...



I have the problem that "Search Model Number" does not work to add a product

to an already choosen Cross-Sell product. I get a line on the top of the screen

saying "Sortierung wurde erfolgreich hinzugefuegt zu Art. #5154" but the searched

product is not shown. We have 2000 articles in our shop and searching by hand

is a pain.

Searching works for a product to add for cross-selling. But adding a product

to this article fails with the message above.


Any help on this?



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I have the problem that "Search Model Number" does not work to add a product

to an already choosen Cross-Sell product. I get a line on the top of the screen

saying "Sortierung wurde erfolgreich hinzugefuegt zu Art. #5154" but the searched

product is not shown. We have 2000 articles in our shop and searching by hand

is a pain.

Searching works for a product to add for cross-selling. But adding a product

to this article fails with the message above.


Any help on this?



Please, I cannot believe nobody else has this problem with a specitic

product not shown as search result. Somebody tells me it is so and there

is no solution for this problem.



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You may comment out or delete code

      echo tep_cache_xsell_products(3600); //added for Xsell


      include(DIR_WS_MODULES . FILENAME_XSELL_PRODUCTS); //added for Xsell

from catalog\product_info.php. This will remove XSell box from product pages.


To add xsells to the product section you need a query to XSell table and a code to show xsells. In other words you need to rewrite some part of xsell box, but have more problems. It is better try to solve the problem with background in XSell box. Something in your design is going wronng and prevent XSell box shown its background. I'm appretiate if you found a solution.

Please, where can I change the background of the shown xsell-products?

In the source of the page these lines are shown:


<!-- xsell_products //-->
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <td height="14" class="infoBoxHeading"><img src="images/infobox/corner_left.gif" border="0" alt="" width="8" height="24"></td>
   <td height="14" class="infoBoxHeading" width="100%">Zu diesem Produkt empfehlen wir:</td>
   <td height="14" class="infoBoxHeading"><img src="images/infobox/corner_right_left.gif" border="0" alt="" width="8" height="24"></td>

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" class="infoBox">
   <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="infoBoxContents">
   <td align="center" class="smallText" width="33%" valign="top"><a href="http://www.myshop.de/............></a></td>

<!-- xsell_products_eof //-->


but where are this html-code and the tables generated? For the xsell-products I want to add a new class like

class="infoBoxContents2", but where do I do that?

Neither in the product_info.php nor in the xsell_products.php I am able to add a working code

which does that. Can somebody help?



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there this is a great contribution.. thank you

I have a small bug and that is the sort order in admin to control what order the products appear in the box on product_info.php is not working it just seems to reset itself. All help appreciated.

Warm regards


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...



I have the problem that "Search Model Number" does not work to add a product

to an already choosen Cross-Sell product. I get a line on the top of the screen

saying "Sortierung wurde erfolgreich hinzugefuegt zu Art. #5154" but the searched

product is not shown. We have 2000 articles in our shop and searching by hand

is a pain.

Searching works for a product to add for cross-selling. But adding a product

to this article fails with the message above.


Any help on this?




I have the same problem. Anyone solved it? Does anyone still looks here?

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  • 3 months later...



I think this is a really great Contribution.

I used it on oscommerce 2.2 and no problems, now i upgraded to 2.3.1 and i have some problems.

When i modified all files my right colum is gone, no crass sell box is visible and i get an error below the page.

This is only when i upload the catalog/product_info file.


Can anybody help me with this?


Thank you

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  • 1 month later...

You miss STEP 3 of installation instruction.

I have a similar problem


In product_info.php say:


Warning: include(includes/modules/xsell_products.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /htdocs/catalog/product_info.php on line 245


Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'includes/modules/xsell_products.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php5') in /path_to/catalog/product_info.php on line 245

Edited by Jan Zonjee
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I have (nearly) successfully installed xsell on the first go.

All works but on the admin section of xsell the left navigation has no accordion style. It is just plain text with all sub categories visible. I have had a look at the admin/xsell.php but cannot see where I have gone wrong. As I said all else is good and I am pleased and thankful for this contribrution.

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