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USPS Shipping module error....


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When I activate the usps shipping module I get this error...

"An error occured with the USPS shipping calculations.

If you prefer to use USPS as your shipping method, please contact the store owner."


I registered with usps with account and entered it correctly but still its not working.

Anyone have any ideas why?


I am using snapshot 2-14-03

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I am having the same problems.


I have setup my shipping, and my store configurations.


I have entered my USPS username and password and selected production server.


I still get an error

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Duh, :stupid: I should have performed a search first!


I did a search and found my answer.


Call USPS at the 1-800 number you got with your email with your username and password and have them switch you over to the production server.


That fixed my problem!

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Is there something I have to download? I thought this module liked to a DLL on USPS's server which does the calculations.. all I needed to do was sign up for the account and waalaa. If anyone has gotten this to work with 2.2MS1 I'de love to get mine working to... HELP!

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