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All my prices say 0 - version MS1


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I've just loaded the new milestone MS1 and pre built in some contributions.


Somehow all my products show prices of 0. I can see & amend the correct prices in Admin but default.php, what's new, specials, cart, listings & product detail all show the price as 0.


Any ideas?





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You havent deleted the main currency set in admin have you?


I dont know how MS1 works TBH I havent tried it.

But I used to have to change the standard currency from USD to GBP in one of the files, and I cant remember for the life of me what it was...


This maybe a similar cause...



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Sorta, I made euro the default, removed the rest and added (making default) pounds.


I'm sure i did this before on an earlier snapshot with no probs.


Any thoughts on how to fix it?

If you learn more than you forget then that's a good thing.

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The deleting and making default of Euro shouldn't be a problem normally. I also do that.


did you maybe forget to set that one field to "1" where you normally have the 0.2345255 or so nr. that represents the value to calculate the price starting from the default currency (what an explenation ... can't find the right term :oops: ) ...


maybe that's it... :?:


:(o o): . (o o) (o o)


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I was having same problem, prices were in db, prices showed OK in admin, but all catalog prices showed 0.

I have 2 currencies $CND and $US

Don't know why, but it fixed itself for both currencies by selecting $US then back to $CND in the catalog.


Hope that might help,


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Have had the same problem and looked in


Includeslanguagesenglish.php (or whatever)


Line 36: Note Currency should always be your default

// if USE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CURRENCY is true, use the following currency, instead of the applications default currency (used when changing language)



Once set to your "default" prices appear

Citizen of US Minor Outlying Islands

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SORTED !! Thank you


DICE - already was at 1.


A Gill - Spot on - thanks


ND - I suspect your fix would probably do the same thing.


Back to other fixes now.

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