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Remove taxes???


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Is there any way to make taxes inviseble at check checkout confirmation page? and on the email you receive afterwards with the order!


I have a link to a image that show what I want to remove! The fields where there is a red circle around is tax fields and I have to make them inviseble on both checkout confirmation and the email you receive afterward!




Please help! Because I need to get online with my shop soon!

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Well, with current snapshop, the tax should not be displaying unless the customer is in the tax class zone as set up in admin. So, if you have a tax zone setup and have set it to multiply by 0, why not simply delete it?

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Thanks for your answer!


But I don't know how to delete those fields!!!


What do I need to remove and in what files?


checkout_confirmation.php ???


But my problem is what to delete!

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Sorry, I had just assumed that you would have checked in obvious places.


The two most common "obvious" places are:

The /admin of course!! and a distant second is catalog/includes/application_top.php.


Look here==> Admin->Locations / Taxes.


Of use to you are "Tax Zones" & "Tax Rates" if you don't require taxes on ANY person who orders.. simply delete both.

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I have done so there isn't any thing in Tax zone and Tax Rates!


Before there was my tax for my country! But how the fields are empty!


Now I try to go into my shop and go to the page after where I choose shipping! The last page shows the total amount and tax and so on!

And its still the same???

The page I talk about is when you come to checkout_confirmation.php


I tryed to delete alot of things in checkout_confirmation.php but then there is some php errors!



I just don't know what else to delete so it don' show those fields with the redscircle I have draw on this screenshot!



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Well, I don't know what release date you are using (are you using 2.2 CVS even?), but on my shop, if the customer doesn't fall into the tax zone, no tax information is displayed on checkout_confirmation.


If you have removed all zones & tax rates and are using an up-to-date shop.. and it is still displaying the tax zone & rate information in checkout_confirmation I would look through any contributions that you have added (particularly shipping & payment mods).

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