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Manufacturers Dropdown


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Is there a bug or is it me? The manufacturer?s dropdown box is blank. You can click on what I have added, but you can not see what you are clicking on. Everything seems to work great with this one exception. Can anyone please offer a hint? Thanks for your help in advance.

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Cache doesn't work, so I have turned it off. When it is on I get the below warning. Also there is nothing in the tmp/ dir.


Warning: fopen(tmp/categories_box-english.cache) [function.fopen]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in Drive:my_rootmy_catalogincludesfunctionscache.php on line 22


Did I misunderstand what cache you were refering to?

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OK, I got the cache thing working!!! :D I then cleared the cache out as suggested. Still no names in the manufactur's list. :( Any other ideas I can try? I have seached high and low and can't seem to find anything. If it is out there, I am blind. :) Thanks

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WOW...I guess no one knows how to fix this. Maybe I should just disable and forget this feature or post somewhere else. Maybe I really don't need it. Anyway...Thanks for viewing this post.

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Have you tried undoing any editing that lead up to your problem. It is probably a typo that caused it. If your haven't did any editing try deleting all your manufactures and then re-entering them.



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