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Shopping cart and IE/server


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I installed, and reinstalled PR2.1 and noticed some problems with the shopping cart and IE/XP Pro on my server. If I use something like Sam Spade I can see the entire page is generated (seems like valid HTML), so the server is generating the HTML. If I use IE, the HTML is truncated where the shopping cart function is run :( . So on the product page I can't see the description. If I view the PR2.1 demo store from osCommerce.com I can see the shopping cart :x .


To test I commented out the shopping cart check in product_info.php and I can see the product information. If I try to see whats in my cart I get the same problem, the server generates the HTML which shows there is nothing in the cart, but it isn't displayed in the browser.


Anyone have any ideas on what is happening with my server that would be causing it to fail in IE?




Server info: PHP 4.3/Apache 1.3.27/MySql 3.23.54

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