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Searching by keyword


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or just plain searching by description.


I am working on putting together a Photo gallery with prints for sale, and need to be able to have people put in (the simple search box) 'waterfall' and have all the pictures of waterfalls found.


I havn't found where to enter any keywords in the product entry (although the search box says I can search and 'Use keywords to find the product you are looking for.')


I have put 'keywords' in the product description, but that does not seem to work either (even in advanced search)


try it youself at http://gallery.hyperionstudio.com



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In the contributions there is one called Custom Quick search. It searchs both the product name and the product description. Works great! I have it installed on my own site.

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Thanks Kim,


I grbbed it. I am lost on this part though:

1) Execute the custom_quicksearch.sql on your

  database. See OSc INSTALL file on how to do this.


I don't see anything in either catalog/INSTALL or admin/INTALL that helps me. I am really new at this

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Do you use phpmyadmin?

If you do just open phpmyadmin, and browse for the .sql file, then click go.


the database will then be updated.

(Should be anyway...)



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Yeah...I had to think about that one a little too, but do what CC said.


PS-Since that search did exactly what I wanted....I removed the link to the advanced search.

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PS-Since that search did exactly what I wanted....I removed the link to the advanced search.


I must admit I did the same, it helps to tidy up the main page.

But I did then add a link to Advanced Search on the search results page.

Just so they could have some other options if they needed them.



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Did you see my new contrib? I put the custom quick search in the category infoBox...One less box and it looks pretty cool...at least to me... :D

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