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setting chmod permissions on catalog/includes/configure.php


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on the top of my catalog page i get the warning

?Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /domains/c/c/cctv-city.com/public_html/catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.?


i have set this file to 644 as recommended in the installation manual (also tried 744) the command i am using to do this is with dreamweaver > window > site FTP log

"site chmod 644 /catalog/includes/configure.php" this is excepted and confirmed but i still get the message in my catalog.


Does anyone know what I am doing wrong.





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I'm getting the exact same problem for the first time today.


I've tried CHMODing the configure.php to several different permissions, but a refresh still shows the error when I'm on 644 permission.


Does the catalog/includes dir need to be at a specific permission? I didn't change its permission, so it should be right.


I've also tried fresh installation (without updating the data), with automatic configuration (to save the data to the configure.php), and I still get the error at the top warning me that the file can be written to.


Any ideas?


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