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Password For Admin Area?


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How do I configure a password for the administration area? I have searched through the admin panel and cannot find anything to set a password.. Or do I have to go into a file and manually edit it?





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You need to use a .htaccess file in the /catalog/admin/ directory on your server.


Your host SHOULD provide you with Control Panel with which to administer your web hosting and that will have the option to password protect your directories!

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You can password protect your Admin area without the use of a Control Panel from your ISP, using these simple steps - all you need is an FTP program and Notepad.....


1) Create a text file called htaccess.txt on your PC, and put the following into it:


   AuthName "my OSC Admin Area" 

  AuthType Basic 

  AuthUserFile /xxxxx/.htpasswd 

  require valid-user


2) Replace xxxxxx with the "full path" to the folder that your www or public_html or htdocs folder is in. It'll be something like /home/users/yourusername/folder/


3) Upload the htaccess.txt file to the same folder as your Admin area


4) Rename the file on the server to .htaccess (nothing before the dot)


5) Go to http://tools.blueyonder.co.uk and scroll to the bottom. Type in a username and password and hit "Create Password"


6) Copy the line username:uj/R/pzKUx12M (yours willl be different, depending on your chosen username/password to your clipboard and paste it into a new text file on your PC. Save the file as htpasswd.txt


7) Upload the htpasswd.txt file to your webserver in the same folder as your www or public_html or htdocs folder (ie someplace that it can't be seen from the web)


8 ) Rename the file on the server to .htpasswd (nothing before the dot)


9) Now go to your Admin area, and you'll be asked for your username and password

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I followed Diniel instruction.

A window log in is open.

I type password.

I can?t log in.



User= car original pass= man encrypites pass=qwert

I wrote in .htpasswd only: car:qwert


At window log in i type user=car and pass= man or qwert and I can?t log in.


Can anyone Help me

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Re-read over diniels instructions step by step, it is rather simple to setup.. For your password you need to go to that site that he has posted the link for and put in your user name and password, it will encrypt the password for you. you take the output of that which should be something like this:




copy and paste that into your htpasswd.txt file upload it to a directory that cannot be accessed via public and rename it to .htpasswd


you have to point your .htaccess file to your .htpasswd file using exact location.

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I tried the code above


now in the


AuthUserFile /xxxxx/.htpasswd

the path I put in the xxx it the path to my htpasswd file right.


do I use my user name in there???

do I use my domain name..


path example


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AuthUserFile /xxxxx/.htpasswd  

the path I put in the xxx it the path to my htpasswd file right.

You need to find this out from your ISP, you can't guess it.


If you make a new text file with the content just <?php echo $DOCUMENT_ROOT ?> and upload it to your website, then visit that page using your browser (the file must end .php, so call the file something like test.php).


You'll then see something like /home2/noppie/public_html - that's the path to your public_html folder. You want the path to the folder before that, so its /home2/noppie in this example. THat's the line to put into your .htaccess file in place of the xxxx, and also the location on your server that you put the .htpasswd.


do I use my user name in there???

do I use my domain name..

ISPs set things up different, they're not all the same. The path might include your domain name or your username, though it doesn't always. I've got hosting accounts on probably a dozen ISPs and they're all a little different


path example


I doubt it would be anything like that, it would take the form of something more like /home2/noppie/.htpasswd Don't forget that .htpasswd is a file and it begins with a dot, you missed the dot in your example


Let me know how you get on

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