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[Contribution] Products Specifications


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Your contribution is very well. But I want to change display at products_info.php as:

At the Specs tab, I want display the same specs in each group name (ex:

- Group name 1

-- Specs 1: specs 1 detail

-- Specs 2: specs 2 detail

- Group name 2

-- Specs 1: specs 1 detail

-- Specs 2: specs 2 detail)


*default is: Specs 1, Specs 2,.... - not included in a Group


Can you help me to make this change?

Thanks & best regards,

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Just off the top of my head:


1. Set up two different groups and link them to the product categories you want them to appear in. Add your specifications to these groups.


2. Modify the code in catalog/includes/modules/products_specifications to group the specifications by Specification Group. Also add the Group name before each set of specifications.




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Just off the top of my head:


1. Set up two different groups and link them to the product categories you want them to appear in. Add your specifications to these groups.


2. Modify the code in catalog/includes/modules/products_specifications to group the specifications by Specification Group. Also add the Group name before each set of specifications.




I selected specs group but specs result is a loop, ex:

Group specs 1:

Specs 1: detail 1

Specs 1: detail 1

Specs 1: detail 1

Specs 2: detail 2

Specs 2: detail 2

Specs 2: detail 2

My DB code:

$specifications_query_raw = "select ps.specification, 
                              from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_SPECIFICATIONS . " ps, 
                                   " . TABLE_SPECIFICATION . " s, 
                                   " . TABLE_SPECIFICATION_DESCRIPTION . " sd, 
                                   " . TABLE_SPECIFICATION_GROUPS . " sg,
                                   " . TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_TO_CATEGORIES . " sg2c
                              where sg.show_products = 'True'
                                and s.show_products = 'True'
			and ps.specifications_id = sd.specifications_id
			and sd.specifications_id = s.specifications_id
                                and s.specification_group_id = sg.specification_group_id
			and sg.specification_group_id = '". (int) $spec_group['specification_group_id'] ."'
                                and ps.products_id = '" . (int) $_GET['products_id'] . "' 
                                and sd.language_id = '" . (int) $languages_id . "' 
                                and ps.language_id = '" . (int) $languages_id . "' 
                              order by s.specification_sort_order, 

Please help me to fix this error.


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That should give you the specifications by group, provided that your group ID is being set correctly. Try uncommenting the print line just after this code and check the SQL it prints out for errors.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Installed and working.


But I have questions:

Is there a way to copy the specificatios from on product to other (or to varius products or a whole category) ??


I start working with this and I see that is a very slowly thing, inserting the specifications one by one. Also If yoy have a lot of Specifications in the product edit page the scroll down nevers end clicking them one by one.


A lot of products have the same specifications except for one specification value.



65 nm

E2220 1 MB L2 2.4 GHz 800 MHz FSB DualCore 2 65 nm Retail Boxed 3years Socket775 No Yes No Yes Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology◊

E2200 1 MB L2 2.2 GHz 800 MHz FSB DualCore 2 65 nm Retail Boxed 3years Socket775 No Yes No Yes Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology◊

E2180 1 MB L2 2 GHz 800 MHz FSB DualCore 2 65 nm Retail Boxed 3years Socket775 No Yes No Yes Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology◊




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You can copy an existing product and just make the changes to the copy. If you're adding specifications to existing products, then you have to do each one individually.




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Thanks Jim,

I will try the maner you said. But I think the work is similar because you must change the name, product_code, image, web link, weight, etc. Same or more work.


Introducing the Specs and Filters is not problem at all, if I have time and patience. The problem is on introducing the specs one by one. From the options I think the fast way is the Checkbox Option.

Also asking you if a maner to introduce only one checkbox for all languages. I have 3 languages instaled, and for example, for a "3MB Spec" I must click and check 3 times, It should be fine to be an option to check only one spec to all languages (I saw Multidropdown but I tested it and it dont make im saying).


Im not a profesional coder like you. Im designer.


Looking the spec database of the products (products_specifications) I see that is the only one than changes, the other ones are the "base" with the specs root.


Looking this:

products_specification_id products_id specifications_id language_id specification

121 16227 49 3 2200

122 16227 50 3 2mb

125 16227 49 1 2200

126 16227 50 1 2mb

129 16227 49 2 2200

130 16227 50 2 2mb

100 16210 49 3 2400

101 16210 50 3 4mb

102 16210 49 1 2400

103 16210 50 1 4mb

104 16210 49 2 2400

105 16210 50 2 4mb

112 16230 49 3 2600

113 16230 50 3 4mb

115 16230 49 1 2600

116 16230 50 1 4mb

118 16230 49 2 2600

119 16230 50 2 4mb

114 16230 58 3 Dual Core

117 16230 58 1 Dual Core

120 16230 58 2 Dual Core

123 16227 58 3 Single Core

124 16227 59 3 AM2

127 16227 58 1 Single Core

128 16227 59 1 AM2

131 16227 58 2 Single Core

132 16227 59 2 AM2


We can see that our product (product_id #16227) has 3 specs asigned x 3 languages = total 6 specs.

I say a BUTTON to copy those specs from the product #16227 to other product of the catalog (ot to entire category).

this maner:

create a new products_specification_id (autoincrement) for the other product maintaining specifications_id language_id specification


There is other contribs that makes this in similar maner (Product Sets, Ajax Atributes or Atribute Cloner & Copier), with them you can create a sets of Atributes and copy them to other product very fast.


Thats all.

Thanks in advance.

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Oh! that sounds fantastic Jim.


For the moment I have the contribution installed but using the old categories.php and product_info.php.


You save me on using and pay for IceCat Spreadsheet.


One more thing,


I saw when integrating the code in admin/categories.php the page takes long to load (about 2-4 seconds). You scroll down the page and inmediatly goes to the begining. Its extrange to explain.

It should be interesting to take the specs menu out from the product editor and edit the specs in other page like the clasic page of the atributes. I have been trying making a categories2.php and adding other line on column_left "Products Specs" only with the code for the specs. But not tested completely.

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The Categories page does do a lot of work, but I can't see it being that slow. The Specifications page should be just as bad; is it? If not, it may be the Javascript in categories.php.




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Yes probably the Javascript.

+AJAX Atributes

+AJAX products set

+Hide Products (SHP)


+Extra fielsd


My categories.php filesize is 208KB. The standard OSC is 64KB.



Im using the default categories.php of your contrib, renamed and linked as "Products Specifications"


In the main categories.php i edit the product normally with the description.

Then if I want to asign Specs click the other link and goes fast. I can change from one product to other and replace the specs faster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please post a link to your live or test websites so i can get an impression on how this works.


I`m working on a comparison function for my website myself. currently only added a lot of column in the products table, and modified catergories.php in admin, to store the specs in database.

I guess this contribution can help me with this, maybe even use this completely instead of my own rewriting...

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As I've said before, there are too many options to have any one site be representative. You can go look at http://www.adss.net/ -- that has the tabbed product page option, comparison pages, and some comparison pages as category pages (Look in supplies.) It doesn't have filters, the stock products pages, and a ton of other options.


If you're looking to add a bunch of new columns, this is probably what you are looking for. Depending on what you want to do with the additional information, you may need to do some customization to present that data the way you want. I can't tell any further without knowing what you want to do here.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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  • 1 month later...

I have installed this on a clean osCommerce-2.2rc2a. Works great until I use the "Column Name:" function. Can not get anything to show up in the Specification on the Product Info page or any place else. When I use the drop down it works just fine.


I am using:


PHP 5.2.9

mysql 5.0.51

xampp version 1.7.1

Products Specification 1.0.1


Could someone please help me


Thank you,



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hi Jim,


After I installed Product Specification, i got this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method shoppingCart::get_products() in /home/topdispl/public_html/shopping_cart.php on line 106


when I tried to add product into the shopping cart.


I do not know if this associate this PS or not.

I hope you could help me.


Thank you once again for another useful great contributions

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I have also installed your add on to a clean osCommerce-2.2rc2a. I have the same problem as James. I noticed that the products_specifications table is not being updated, and therefore the column name specifications are not showing on the site. When I manually enter the information in this table, everything worked well. The SQL below gives us some of the information we need:


"SELECT s.specifications_id, s.specification_group_id, s.products_column_name, p2c.products_id
FROM products_to_categories p2c,
specifications s,
specification_groups_to_categories sg2c
WHERE s.specification_group_id = sg2c. specification_group_id
and sg2c.categories_id = p2c.categories_id
and s.specifications_id = '" . $current_specification_id . "';"


I realize there needs to be more, and the statement isn't complete, however you can see my thought process. Where would we put the code snippet we need? I was thinking the catalog/admin/products_specifications.php file? I have been trying to follow the code, but your help would be greatly appreciated. This addon is complex and I'm not sure if I am following the code properly. Thank you for this valuable contribution to osCommerce.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there.

Im not quite sure if this is the right place to post, but i think so.


This contrib is really great and it works like a charm in the admin-backend.


However, i've installed a contrib called "Customer Add Product", wich make it possible for my customers to add products to my store. But its really buggy, so i have gone throu the code and got it to work for 95%. So im almost finished.



Here goes my problem;

In the admin-backend, when i add a product, the "text fields" for this contrib is about 420px width.

But in the front end (Customer Add Product), the "text fields" are only 1 px width.



I've copied all the "admin php-files" to the front end to make it work (but changed some file-names so it wont crash due to file names that already existed there. (also added these to filenames.php and changed in Customer Add Product-pages so it will match).


Do you have any clue what i've missed?


(The drop down lists all works perfect. Its just the text-fields that are buggy).



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  • 3 months later...



How can you get the filter box in the left/right column not to show on the homepage, or on categories where there are no filters applied? Index.php does not exist in my store, as I have SEO URLs and a redirect on index.php to mysite.com/





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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Kymation, I'm working on a project www.gemstonesncolor.com and the customer asked me to install some kind of filter on his site. I found your contribution and I was amazed to see how it is complete in every detail I needed. I'm just having a problem with duplicate entries. My attributes and each of my filters are showing twice on the list. You can also see www.bestbrazilianjeans.com/store. If you would help me to track what can be causing the issue I would be very happy. I didn't find anyone else with this problem, I searched on forums and also on the contribution page, but no success.

Thank you so much for your hard work.

Edited by marispb
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sorry, haven't seen that issue either, but it does look like you heavily customized that first selection box as it changes after I have made a selection.


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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Do you have the same filters set in two different Groups, and both of those groups assigned to the same categorizes? Try disabling filters for all groups except one and see if the dupes go away.




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My compliments, it's a great contrib!


There is only one problem, when I trie to enter a filter in the admin, the creation of a group is oke, but when i try to create a specification, mysql is filled, but the page doesn't show any specification....


To create a specification is no problem, but to show the list, the page gives empty list.

See screenshot:




It is about the admin page: products_specifications.php


Thanks for your help!



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That should work. I have never seen the Products Specifications page do that. Perhaps it is a language problem? Try setting your admin to English and see if it works then.




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  • 3 weeks later...

The products specifications works great with my site. so, I was thinking about insert this functions in index.php page, because I realized that when a pages direct customer to product_filter.php, we will no longer be able to using the default manufacture filter and the extra filters function such as sort by best seller, by name or price. therefore, I think it make more sense to run the filter under index.php. So, has anyone insert the filter function into the index.php yet?


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Products Specifications will not work with the stock osCommerce Manufacturers filter. You need to set up a filter in PS to do the same thing. Any additional filters also need to be set up in PS. There is no need for any additional Addon to do filters, and other filter Addons will not be compatible.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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