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[Contribution] Products Specifications


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1. Did you add any filters per section 4.2.3 of the manual?


2. In your Admin >> Configuration >> Specifications, set Show Accessories Tab to False.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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1- yes i've created a specification group (yellow folder), and some specs (blue folders) inside this group, and specs values, then i linked the group to all categories. and i've assigned specs to some products.

2- i turned the "show accessories tab" value from "true" to "false" , now i can see all the tabs, but if i click on one of them its redirecting me to the main page.


thank you in advance for any hints.

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1. But you still haven't created any filters, which is why your filter pulldowns are blank. See section 4.2.3 of the manual.


2. That usually means that some part of the jQuery script is not running. Check that you uploaded all of the files, and that none of them are corrupt. You may also need to update your jQuery and jQuery UI files to the latest versions.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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thx Jim, 1st, sry for bothering, i must read the guide again, 2nd ill try to find out the problem around the jquerry files and links, 3rd i have to implement this addon within a website full of contributions like "ultimate seo", "gift vouchers", "header meta tags" and... do you think i should wait for a more stable version before i proceed ???

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This is about as stable as it's going to get. I've installed it on several sites and it just works. If you can find a specific bug then please let me know and I will fix it. Otherwise this is it.


Conflicts with other Addons are the main cause of errors. I haven't tested this with all of the other Addons out there, so you may have to get creative to combine them.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

EP already has import sections for several add-ons, it also has instructions contained in it on how to update new fields/tables.





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i have something working but it is not easy to work with in a multi lang shop having specs with multi value.

The key question is if you want EP to add values and filters or not


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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Hi, I have just looked through all 21 pages of this thread as I was certain I would find the answer to an obvious question and am totally surprised that it has not been asked. Maybe I have missed something or I'm thick but going through the install of this excellent contribution I am asked to upload new files which includes the file catalog/includes/boxes/products_filter.php.


Now I have looked and re-looked, I have downloaded other earlier versions of this contribution in case its been missed with version 1.1.11. but alas no file either in your download folder or in my store. I am using Osc 2.3.1.


Please advise, and thank you.



Edited by offie
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I believe it is now in the includes/modules/bm_boxes or something like that.

2.3.1 changed how boxes are handled, I suppose the update in not 100% consistently documented ...


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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Your module was recommended by a member here and I have been testing it all day today. I am using OSC 2.3.1 and PS 1.1.11. When I click on an item/product that I added, I get an error saying that:


TABLES_PRODUCTS_TO_DOCUMENTS doesn't exist. So, I manually created a table with one column. The column is products_id with a value of 29. That is all I did and seems to work fine. Is there anything else I am forgetting? Should I have created that table with other options? Why wasn't the table there to begin with. This is from a clean install on both OSC and PS.


Thanks in advance for your help and for providing an awesome module.

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In your Admin, go to Configuration >> Products Specifications and set Show Documents Tab to False.


There are several optional tabs that require additional Addons to function. This one requires Document Manager. Yes, it should default to False; that's an error in the distribution. I'll fix that in the next distribution release.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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In your Admin, go to Configuration >> Products Specifications and set Show Documents Tab to False.


There are several optional tabs that require additional Addons to function. This one requires Document Manager. Yes, it should default to False; that's an error in the distribution. I'll fix that in the next distribution release.







Thanks for the update on this. If I am going to set this feature to false, should I go ahead and delete the table that I created?



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I believe it is now in the includes/modules/bm_boxes or something like that.

2.3.1 changed how boxes are handled, I suppose the update in not 100% consistently documented ...


Thank you for that.


However I have 3 other files which I am asked to modify which I dont appear to have in my store. These are:






I dont even have the folder catalog/ext/jquery/star_rating


Where are these files or is this a mistake or are they new files?


Any help in pointing the right way much appreciated.



Edited by offie
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Hello Geoffrey


I need to know if this line is as should be:




In your manual says Around line 25 find '' . BOX_CATALOG_CATEGORIES_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES. '' .


Directly AFTER add this:


'Easy Populate' .


I can not access to this contribution in my v2.3.1, I did review all and I think that extra info on /catalog/admin/incudes/boxes/catalog.php is wrong.


Thanks by advanced blush.png

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Hi kymation,hope you are well.


You are the main guy for this addon and I really want to install it as it looks like a great contribution but I cant continue untilI know the answer to my small question.


I am asked to modify some files which I dont appear tohave in my store. Are the instructions wrong orout of date?


The files are:






Please help, thanks



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Kymation, thanks for updating this contirbution. Been away for while so was just catching up and found one issue. Its with the release 1_1_11.

1) I read somewhere in the forum that functions/products_specifications.php lines around 776

$link_array = tep_get_link_data( $columns_array['products_id'] );

$cPath_new = $link_array['cPath'];

$category_name = $link_array['categories_name'];


$parameters = 'cPath=' . $cPath_new . '&products_id=' . $columns_array['products_id'];

$product_link = tep_href_link( FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, $parameters, 'NONSSL', true, true, $category_name, $columns_array['products_name'] );


needs to be changed with

$cPath_new = tep_get_product_path( $columns_array['products_id'] );

$product_link = tep_href_link( FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'cPath=' . $cPath_new . '&products_id=' . $columns_array['products_id'] );


if this still holds true than it needs to be changed in the uploaded.


2) I am using "/" in my filters and its removed from querystring and someone had mentioned they where also having similar issue with different character and option was to use filter id. I did some changes to tep_clean_get__recursive and get it working.


Only works for PHP Version 5.2.0 or greater






if( !function_exists( 'tep_clean_get__recursive' ) ) {
function tep_clean_get__recursive ($get_var) {
  if (!is_array($get_var)) {
	return preg_replace("/[^ {}a-zA-Z0-9_.-]/i", "", urldecode($get_var));

  // Add the preg_replace to every element.
  return array_map ('tep_clean_get__recursive', $get_var);
} // function tep_clean_get__recursive
 } // if( !function_exists



if( !function_exists( 'tep_clean_get__recursive' ) ) {
function tep_clean_get__recursive ($get_var) {
if ( @phpversion() >= "5.2.0" ){ // filter_var only available from this distribution
  if (!is_array($get_var)) {
   // return preg_replace("/[^ {}a-zA-Z0-9_.-]/i", "", urldecode($get_var));
   //FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW = HTML-escape '"<>& and characters with ASCII value less than 32, optionally strip or encode other special characters
   $get_var= filter_var($get_var, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);// remove any invalid or not allowd string, like <script> or <strong>
   $get_var= filter_var($get_var, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL); //Remove all characters except letters, digits and $-_.+!*'(),{}|\\^~[]`<>#%";/?:@&=.
	$get_var= filter_var($get_var, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW);//Strips characters that has a numerical value <32
	$get_var= filter_var($get_var, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH);//Strips characters that has a numerical value >127
   return $get_var;
	 if (!is_array($get_var)) {
		return preg_replace("/[^ {}a-zA-Z0-9_.-]/i", "", urldecode($get_var));
  // Add the preg_replace to every element.
  return array_map ('tep_clean_get__recursive', $get_var);
} // function tep_clean_get__recursive
 } // if( !function_exists


I have tested it and for the scope of this contribution it works, but if someone can test it and confirm if it works as stated.

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1. That is correct.


2. This is security code to prevent hacks. Change at your own risk.


Yes, I intend to change the code to use filter_id, but I still don't have the time to do that large of a change.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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A suggestion:


in admin/categories.php it would be nice to have a drop down from the shipping table rate.

Thereby a shipping cost per individual product would be possible.


This shipping cost should then be displayed in catalog/product_info page.


And, when a customer add the product to the cart, the shipping cost should be there and be added to the order value. If the customers buy more products the shipping costs should sum up.


Hopefully this is could be done.



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Man your fast, thanks for the update.


It seems that most of my filters are same as my values so i have added a new option on "Specifications in Group" option page. It will added new button for copying values for selected specification as filters for that specification. Before adding all the existing filters for that specification will be deleted. It can be easily modified so only missing values are added, not attamped yet.


All modifications are in attached text file.copy_values_to_filters.txt


As usual i would wait for kymations approval or update. Thanks

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@@Juto -- That's a bit out of the capabilities of this Addon. However, you could use the Individual Shipping (IndivShip) Addon to do the shipping part. One of the shipping estimator addons, or a bit of added code, would do to display the shipping cost on the Products Info page.


@@sanam -- Do whatever works for you. I'm not sure how many people have filters the same as values, but it would certainly be useful if you did. I'll take a look at this when I have some time. With all I have going right now ... don't hold your breath.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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For a new store I just did a intallation of the latest products_specification package on a clean 2.3.1 installation.

(just copied over the files in the package and runned the SQL file.)


The trange thing is that the TABS doesnt closes on product_info.

(see picture) if the pictures dosent works, heres a link: http://www.magnusandersson.nu/products_spec_error.jpg




I have this working on a old installation, but now i cant get it right.

I have tried to install it three times on a clean osc installation, but get problems with the tabs all the time.

Where have I done my misstake? =)

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