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[Contribution] Products Specifications


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could somebody explain me in catalog/product_info.php


I refer to the lines in PS


on line 55 is desactivated a line, but it was not there before, so why is there that line?

// echo tep_draw_form('cart_quantity', tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=add_product'));


after line 88 is taken away line 55 from the original file

<?php echo tep_draw_form('cart_quantity', tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=add_product')); ?>



the bigest problem for other addons is on line 193 of the original file


<div class="buttonSet">

<span class="buttonAction"><?php echo tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $product_info['products_id']) . tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_IN_CART, 'cart', null, 'primary'); ?></span>

<?php echo tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_REVIEWS . (($reviews['count'] > 0) ? ' (' . $reviews['count'] . ')' : ''), 'comment', tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS, tep_get_all_get_params())); ?>



is changed into


<div class="buttonSet">

<span class="buttonAction"><?php echo tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $product_info['products_id']) . tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_IN_CART, 'cart', null, 'primary'); ?></span>


<div style="clear: both;"></div>


but it is also put higher, that means now before



<div style="clear: both;"></div>


if ($product_info['products_date_available'] > date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) {


<p style="text-align: center;"><?php echo sprintf(TEXT_DATE_AVAILABLE, tep_date_long($product_info['products_date_available'])); ?></p>






$reviews_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLE_REVIEWS . " where products_id = '" . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . "' and reviews_status = 1");

$reviews = tep_db_fetch_array($reviews_query);



in the original file it was after this block

is this change of place important and necessary?

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is it possible to mix this addon of "Products Specifications" with the addon of "Master Products for V2.3x V2.1 " (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1681)

I'm trying in several ways buth I always get stuck with this parts


// Start Products Specifications


// Insert the javascript for the tabs



// Master Products

$master_status_query = tep_db_query("select products_id, products_master_status, products_master from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " where products_status = '1' and products_id = '" . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . "'");

$master_check = tep_db_fetch_array($master_status_query);


if ($master_check['products_master_status'] > 0) {

echo tep_draw_form('buy_now_', tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=add_slave', 'NONSSL'));

} else {

// this line should be disactivated by PRODUCTS SPECIFICATIONS

echo tep_draw_form('cart_quantity', tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=add_product'));


// Master Products EOF





Yes it is possible, but before need to fix tabs for page navigation and correct return position. As specification contribution will be stabilised (now work with cookies for me) I will do it. It looks like working for every extra contributions.


There are more possibilities for stabilisation but first need some discussions. The simple Jquery cookies stabilized for all pages at the same time. I think it would be better to fix for unique pages.

My opinion that need to pass the fix as session variable.




osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.
Email managment with tracking pixel, package managment for shipping, stock management, warehouse managment with bar code reader, parcel shops management on 3000 pickup points without local store.

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Please for small help.


I have a problem with tell_a_friend.php.


Link to the article in the sent e-mail.





The product ID is missing. I do not know why. I think this is a bug in the code.




I have the same problem as that of Gemma ask_a_question.php


When I press sending, nothing happens. No e-mail.



Thank you for your help



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do I wait for further reply or ...or what needs to be done?

I tried to merge, but there was also QPBPP involved, it took me 3 full days !!

I send you the 2 files that where very difficult to merge: catalog/admin/categories.php and catalog/product_info.php, could you check if they are ok?

I was very carefully, but some parts were very uncertain

could you check them?




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In your first link, I believe yo have your filters set incorrectly. All I can see is filters that don't work, so I can only guess at the cause.


I think I have the second one figured out. Find this code in catalog/includes/modules/comparison.php (two places)



and replace it with this:


	echo '  </div>' . PHP_EOL;
	echo '</div>' . PHP_EOL;





Hi JIM look on the page sklep.emcmoda.pl, when i click link categories or subcategories, the page is

shifted to the left.


Can you help me


using os 2.3.1 ps1.1.11



All filters is disable

Edited by emcmoda
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I don't see anything at that site that looks like an osCommerce store.






here you are good link



look the right enad left column are shifted to the left

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Hi Jim,


I am still confused as of how to get the filters to show how I need them too, see attached.




I want it like that but after selected multiple options it needs to return products with just those features.


It could also be a set of radio buttons but it would need to apply them all. I know we can do this with loads of seprerate filters but I want a collection of them like in the image.


The best way I can think of doing it at the moment is having them as seperate filters set as radio buttons then checking if the prefix == 'multi' and then if it is remove the title, this will allow mulitple filters to appear as one if the prefix is set to multi (obviously I would need to remove echo prefix and just use it as a handle to remove the filter title)


Please help. Thank you.

Edited by StephenAdrianRathbone
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here you are good link

look the right enad left column are shifted to the left

You have an empty comparison page. That should never happen, so the messed-up page is understandable. You need to fix your settings so that you are providing some Specifications to compare, or turn off the Comparison in Index setting (see Section 4.1.21 in the User's Manual.)




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Hi Jim, I am still confused as of how to get the filters to show how I need them too, <snip>.

You have the right idea. What you want will require some custom coding. The filters will do what I see in your example, but you will need to change the formatting to get it to look like that.


That is beyond what this forum is for. You'll need to do that part yourself.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Can some one explain how to add a munufactureers list -


Set up a Manufacturer filter and import the manufacturers list.


I need my hand held as im as thick as shit..



1. Add a new Specification with the name Manufacturer (or whatever you want to call it.)

2. Enable Filters for that specification.

3. Set Use Existing Database Field to Manufacturer.

4. Set Filter Class to Exact.

5. Set Display the Filter as to whatever you want (Pulldown works best in most cases).

6. Set Filter Show All to whatever you want (True is recommended.)

7. Save that.

8. Click the yellow folder icon next to the Specification name.

9. Create a filter for each Manufacturer in your list.


We used to have a button that did #9 for you. It was in Version 0.5.1 according to my records. It isn't there now. That's what is called a regression bug. I'll have to fix that. Thanks for pointing that out.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Hi Jim thx for solution


Next problem


When i want ask seller a questions (admin Show Question Tab) insted of send a email the products add to bin.


end second quastion:


in tab i use ckeditor end char "ENTER" looks that

<p> �</p><p> �</p><p> �</p><p> �</p>				 




a can't find editor tinyMCE for os 2.3.1






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I've uploaded a new version to the usual location. It will be available as soon as a moderator approves it.


Most of the bugs are fixed in this version, and two new tabs were added to the optional Product Info page. There are still features to be added, but I ran out of time to do anything more. I think it's better to release something that's not perfect rather than release nothing at all. So here it is. Thanks to everyone who reported bugs and offered code.


Requests for installation support should be posted here. Any new bug reports, code, or grand ideas should be posted in the development thread.




Hello Jim


Thank you for the work you have put into this contribution


Reading through the instruction it looks like to the spec fields have to be added through the admin?


Also, the SQL creates a new table for the specs data, it does not use the products_description table?


If you could please confirm

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Hi Jim thx for solution Next problem When i want ask seller a questions (admin Show Question Tab) insted of send a email the products add to bin. end second quastion: in tab i use ckeditor end char "ENTER" looks that
 <p> �</p><p> �</p><p> �</p><p> �</p> 

why? a can't find editor tinyMCE for os 2.3.1 BR MICHAL

1. You have made an error in modifying products_info.php. The <form> tags are overlapping. You need to find the incorrect tags and fix them.


2. This could be a problem with ckeditor, or it could be incorrect encoding in your database. I can't tell from here.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Hello Jim Thank you for the work you have put into this contribution Reading through the instruction it looks like to the spec fields have to be added through the admin? Also, the SQL creates a new table for the specs data, it does not use the products_description table? If you could please confirm

Yes, your understanding is correct.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Hi Jim thx for above solution,


I have another problem with header's



%s Porównanie = comparassion


Header insted of tilte page i have the same text "%s Porównanie








Edited by emcmoda
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Hi Jim thx for solution


Next problem


When i want ask seller a questions (admin Show Question Tab) insted of send a email the products add to bin.


end second quastion:


in tab i use ckeditor end char "ENTER" looks that

<p> �</p><p> �</p><p> �</p><p> �</p>				




a can't find editor tinyMCE for os 2.3.1







in database a have utf8_Polish_ci


I thing that the editor working in other Collation


Can you know any idea ?

But into table in field products_description i don.t have polish char when i use any editor :/

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This could be an issue with the collation, but that's something I have no experience with. I've only used the utf8_general_ui collation.


There is an Addon for CKeditor for 2.3.1. I don't know if that would work for you, but it might be worth trying.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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