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The e-commerce.

Do you know a good provider (ISP) with US based server


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I am looking for a fast and cheap Internet Service Provider with a server based in the US.

Out of the millions of ISP's out there I was just wondering which Provider you are using, and with which you had a good experience.


(Reason, I have to set up a website for an US client - and I am only familiar with european based ISP's)


Thanks for your help.



(Comment to the webmaster of this forum:

This post is a little bit difficult, because I do not want to spam nor do I want that people advertise here. I just would like to know what ISP's are people using.

So if you think this kind of post is against forum rules - it is okay for me - so close this post - and people still can send me a PM - with the ISP info.

Your help is really appreciated :D )

EL Bavaro

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  • 3 weeks later...

i vote for the ability to answer a question without being slapped for doing so... there is nothing blatant about responding to someone's question versus just outright inappropriate hyping of a business



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