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[Contribution] Extraship 3.0 (CVS#20021104 and above)


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- Enable/disable Extraship module

- Sort order

- Handling fee for this shipping package


- Rate by Weight and Postcode (for local country) or Country Iso Code 2

(for international countries)

- FIRST weight limit and

- NEXT weight multiplication



Extraship shipping module cover all area, both local country as your store

address (LOCAL AREA) and other countries (INTERNATIONAL AREA), where each

areas have own configuration (we will describe later).


Lol, you can help this module by donate us via PayPal.

PayPal Email: [email protected]




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This version only for CVS#20021104 and above. I have tested it on CVS#20030209.


For older CVS version, please try version2.1 :http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,244

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I have find little bug near line 89.


$next_weight = ceil(($total_weight - $weight_field_array[0]) / $weight_field_array[0]);


It's must be:


$next_weight = ceil(($total_weight - $weight_field_array[0]) / $weight_field_array[1]);




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  • 2 weeks later...



Hi, :oops:

For all who use Extraship version 3.0, please update with the new version 3.1 from here http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,986.


There is a bug when calculating international shipping cost:


     } else {


       $dest_testing_key = array_keys ($dest_field_array, $dest_postcode);

       $dest_testing = $dest_testing_key[0] - 1;



This must be:



     } else {


       $dest_testing_key = array_keys ($dest_field_array, $dest_country_id);

       $dest_testing = $dest_testing_key[0];





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This is the contribution that I am looking for shipping. But I would like to change the Local Country rates based on Zones not Postcode. Does anybody has a vesion with zones?




PS. I had tried to change the zones by myself but not good as php

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This is the contribution that I am looking for shipping. But I would like to change the Local Country rates based on Zones not Postcode. Does anybody has a vesion with zones?


I have plan to make it available for state/province sometimes.


Too buzy right now.... or lazy :wink:

Coz no stuff send that make me hot.



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Selamat Malam Parikesit.


first thanx for this great contribution.

i download it and the install its really easy.

right now i have a problem with the zones or better a question:


is it possible to setup more then one zone ?

like the following shipping table :


Zone Based International Rates 

Zone 1 Countries


Zone 1 Shipping Table


Zone 1 Handling Fee


Zone 2 Countries


Zone 2 Shipping Table


Zone 2 Handling Fee


Zone 3 Countries


Zone 3 Shipping Table


Zone 3 Handling Fee


Zone 4 Countries

All Others

Zone 4 Shipping Table


Zone 4 Handling Fee


before, i use the international zones until i recognize that this contribution dont multiplicate the amount of packages if the complete order weigh more than 20 kgs.


can anyone point me please in the right direction ?



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Selamat Malam Parikesit.


is it possible to setup more then one zone ?




Selamat Malam juga!


Hi Guido, not like default zone shipping module, to setup more then one zone you have to hack the code :(


Maybe I can write it for u, but I not promise can be done in few days.




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  • 7 months later...

Hi all,


I am having a little trouble with this contribution. whenever i try to order with this contribution with a test customer the shipping amount seems to be huge. i think that it is calculating the rate bassed on international prices when it is only local... so thus i think that its not getting either the customers postcode info properly or more than likely the stores postcode properly. any ideas of how to fix this?



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  • 6 months later...



I just wanted to ask a few question with regards to your contibution.

Is it possible to use this contribution based on a product format rather than by weight.


Basically what i have is 2 different types of group products:


Group 1

CD's & DVD's


Group 2

Books & Stationary


and each of these groups have 2 different prices the First and then additional cost ( just like your have explained in your contribtion, but yours i based on weight) and then 2 different Prices for international shipping.


Each of these product Groups have a Format group,






Books = BK

Stationary = PP


This is want i have




CD's (MC) , DVD's (MV)


Local shipping (default country)

First item 1.00 each additional 0.50 ( this is in the same group type)


International ( anyother country)

First item 2.50 each additional 1.50( this is in the same group type)



Books (BK) , Stationary (PP)


Local shipping (default country)

First item 2.00 each additional 1.00( this is in the same group type)


International ( anyother country)

First item 4.00 each additional 2.00( this is in the same group type).


SO if you bought 1 book+1 CD+ 1 DVD ( default country)

Shipping will be 2.00 +0.50+0.50 = 3.00 (calculating the highest ship rate first from the selected Items)


AND if you bought 1 book+1 CD+ 1 DVD (Any other country)

Shipping will be 4.00 +1.50+1.50 = 7.00 (calculating the highest ship rate first from the selected Items).


I hope i have made this clear..and hope someone can assist me.


thanks in advance.

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