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Re: Balked checkout procedre.


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OK...seeing as no one has been able to answer this concern for us...I tried to trace the root of the problem myself.

The problem being, that during the checkout process, thecart balks at page checkout_shipping.php, and won;t go anyfurther; it just keeps re-loading the same page when you click "continue".


I would like anyone with a bit of nouse (knowledge) to either confirm or deny the following assumption gleaned from my seaarching.


I notice that my configuration.phpfile has Enable SSL = true, but my define'https server" is actuall an httpserver. I do not have a secure server certificate installed.


Could this be the cause of the problem? Checkout_shipping.php, when prompted to continue, is searching for an https: addy, and, not finding one, is just re-loading the calling page?


If this would NOT be causing the problem, then any further suggestions would be appreciated.

This is the ONLY problem I amhaving with osCommerce, and I would really like to get it ironed out so I can set my site loose.



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The best way to test to see if your theory is correct would be to change the configure file. Change the enable SSL to false and put your HTTP address in the fields for HTTPS. If the cart works you're in business, if not it is time to look for other problems.

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That occured to me too. But, umm...duh. Now I can't find where to do that. I THOUGHT it was in the configure.php file, but unless I skipped past it, it's not there.

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And it still doesn;t work.


So basically...no one has a clue huh?


Shame...I kinda liked this shopping cart system too.

Anybody know of a cheap shopping cart program that works?

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