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PayPal IPN test transactions.. catalog/paypal_notify.php err


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Hi all,


Just installed this module. Trying test transactions i get a blank page

for paypal_notify.php on 5 transactions.


On the sixth i received this error:


1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1


update orders set orders_status = '1' where orders_id=



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Hi All,


Is anyone else experiencing this problem? It seems OSC is having a problem updating the order_status field of the orders table. The orders do show up in the paypal transactions table in admin/ . Not sure where this data is coming from.


I noticed the following note in the install.txt included with the module:


2: This new release has modification in the "paypalipn_txn" and "paypalipn_temp_data" tables, so if you were using a previous version of the contrib, you should re install the tables.


I have no "paypalipn_temp_data" table.. this could be the problem obviously.. Anyone using this module? Thanks!



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Paypal Should be sending the Nofitications to that screen


when the payment is Processed it should be taking you (your customers) to "checkout_success.php" not "paypal_notify.php"




Do the test transactions work for you? This is what i am trying to do. Also i am still getting that SQL error when i try to change the status from whatever i set the default status to be in the IPN config in admin. I think i am missing a db table like i stated. I'm not sure though. Might have to download an older version of the module to check it out. But just wanted to know if anyone else is having this problem. Again this is from the test transactions in the admin.

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I am using tep_snapshot-20030212 and I am having the exact same problem...


I had that issue where the customer closes the PayPal page and the order doesn't show up, I was told this contrib would resolve that issue, but now I have this one.


Any help is appreciated.

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Just installed this module. Trying test transactions i get a blank page for paypal_notify.php on 5 transactions.

Thats ok!

The Test Transactions "system" does not return anything.

In the new version (to be released today?) of the contrib, you will see at least a text telling you which order has been updated.


On the sixth i received this error:

1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1

update orders set orders_status = '1' where orders_id=


Thats because you make a Test IPN for a NON EXISTEN order.

In the new version that issue is also fixed. No test IPN is made for non existen orders.


I have no "paypalipn_temp_data" table.. this could be the problem obviously.. Anyone using this module? Thanks!

:roll: ooops ... that was something I forget to delete from the install.txt file. :oops:

The new version has a new install.txt file.

Thats ok, there is no need anymore for that "paypalipn_temp_data".


when the payment is Processed it should be taking you (your customers) to "checkout_success.php" not "paypal_notify.php"

He is being taken to "paypal_notify.php" because he is sending "test ipn". Thats a test system, and thats the way it works.

There is no error with that.


I got finished the new v0.971 of the contrib that only works with Milestone 1.

I think I will release it today or tomorrow. I just need to pack it all in a zip and finish writing the docs.


Best regards

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So you are saying that it works the way it should, except of course that it would confuse people less if it said something like "Your Test Was Sucessful ?".


Does this mean that even with the error I can go ahead and use IPN ?



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