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I have 2 websites, one is osCommerce and one is pure html. I like the setup of the html site and dont want to change it if I can, though I want to add the products to osCommerce, can I setup osCommerce to use frames when the appropriate section is selected? And then displaying the content from the other site?

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can I setup osCommerce to use frames

Not if you mean using frames to present the header, footer, left and right columns, and page body. The way those parts of the screen are laid out is deeply embedded in osC's code structure.


It is not clear exactly what you want to accomplish in merging the content of the two sites. I also administer a framed site related to, but separately hosted from, an osC site. The most I have tried to do is have some links from individual product descriptions in the osC catalog (Product URL in the product setup page in admin), that refer to the other site for related information. But that opens a new browser window for the link, and I wouldn't expect any interaction more intimate than that between the two sites.

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