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The e-commerce.

is possible?


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Hi guy. Mhmhm...i need something to make a price -5% to all user that will insert a "key, code... something protection" or just a serial number in into the shipping form or in onother plase. Is possible? For example:

you have a site.

i will give you a code

all the user that from your website will buy something into my site with your code, i will make he a price -5%..


Into a list I will write all the names of the others webmasters that have the code.

After the webmaster with a login e password (something similar at the login form of the banner user) can see into my site how many people buyed with his cose and the total of the mounth.

Is possible to make something of this?

Someone can make it for me? I can pay... Contact me to:[email protected]

It is very important. Sorry for my rusted english...

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