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The e-commerce.



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This is based on an older version of osCommerce. Both phpNuke and osCommerce are undergoing development phases and lots of people are interested in integrating the two products. I for one, will be waiting for a while do attempt the integration.



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  • 3 weeks later...


We have merged phpnuke with oscommerce, we have kept the standard PHPNUKE features and structures. We have dropped the phpnuke YOUR ACCOUNT and have created a new YOUR ACCOUNT which utilises some featuers from OS-Commerce, but we created a new table structure for customers/users which is uses parts of OS-Commerce customers and PHPNUKE users tables.


We also re-written PHPNUKE, to use email address instead of a user name, in a commercial application "users" forget their username as their is to many sites they may signup at, but they will not forget their email address. We still request them to enter a user name, but it is only used in our forum.


The whole purpose of having one account manager for PHPNUKE and OS-COMMERCE is that people that visit the site get confused if they have to signup for PHPNUKE and than for the OS-Commerce Shop. We at one point also had a separate signup if you were a job seeker for our career centre. We our merge, this is now taken care of and we only have one signup, and can be used through out the site.


We stripped the OS-Commerce of some codes whioch were not nessessary to us, and we made a module accordingly to the PHPNUKE concept.


You can check it out at www.epnn.com, it is a live site so be careful.


I also wanted to point out, that we have made modifcation to PHPNUKE so when you add a news item or and article, you can charge for the content. We use FIRSTGATE as our content provider.



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Cross posting is a bad, bad thing, read the forum rules. I posted my comments in the *other* thread.

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