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random "page not found's" while in https


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Hi All


Im starting to pull my hair out over this one....


As users browse through the store in https every 10 or so pages a "page not found" error is generated. If the refresh button is then pressed the page comes into the browser no problem at all.


This is a real hassel when a user is trying to submit either their CC details or new account details, when hitting refresh loses all the data they have just typed in and they need to retype it all.


I am so so so in need of help, if I cant fix this, the shop is pretty much not usable and I face the sack :shock:


I am running 20th Oct 2002 snapshot and storing sessions in mysql.


Hope someone can help me :( pls




Paul :wink:

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The shop loads straight into https://secure.inet-isp.co.uk/shop.teknek.com/


Osc is designed so it uses http:// and only switches to https:// when it need private info & cc's - checkout etc.


I suggest you change your configure files - catalog & admin to reflect this.


line 16 & 17 of catalog/includes/configure.php & about the same in admin

define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://localhost'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be NULL for productive servers

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://localhost'); // eg, https://localhost - should not be NULL for productive servers :)




Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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It is my understanding that SSL is designed to encrypt information.

Not for public traffic.

Changing to the default config settings would fix your problem. :)




Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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right so if I view my shop through http @ http://shop.teknek.com/catalog/ and through https @ https://secure.inet-isp.co.uk/shop.teknek.com/ i will set my configure.php to the following...


define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://shop.teknek.com/');

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://secure.inet-isp.co.uk/shop.teknek.com/');


Is that correct? That seems a very simple solution? Sure it will work?





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For the sites I build I do just that for BOTH the catalog and admin configure.php


define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://mysite.com'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be NULL for productive servers

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://mysecuresite.com'); // eg, https://localhost - should not be NULL for productive servers

define('ENABLE_SSL', true); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?

It works on different servers I have used.

Test drive the one on my site.

You come in on http

Go to create an account and it switches to https

'Buy' something using Visa 4111111111111111

When it needs to it switches to secure.

Sometimes less is best. :)




Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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shop.teknek.com looks like a sub domain and as such should be reachable by teknek.com/shop

If it were me I'd take all the files out of catalog and install them directly into shop.

I'd then link the secure server to the shop directory. :)




Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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I see that you are on a Cobalt. I have seen this page not found issue while in https on Cobalts (we have several dozen of them) and am doing some investigating myself. I am certain this is Cobalt related and will let you know what I find out.

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It seems that this has been heavily discussed on the Cobalt user's list and the fix suggested is to add a line to the Virtual Host block for that particular site in httpd.conf:


The quick fix is to add this to the virtual host block of the https site in



KeepAlive Off


Then restart Apache:


/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart


Obviously you need root access to do this. I did this for my one site and will see how it works and let you know.

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wow thats pretty great you noticed that :wink:


how did you get on with adding the 'KeepAlive Off' line?


I looked into this on the Cobalt Users List and found that using 'KeepAlive Off' will solve the problem but will slow the server down.


Do you know as to what degree this will slow the server down?

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I haven't noticed a slowdown, increased memory or cpu usage of any kind, in fact, I read a post or two saying that they felt that their https connections seemed a bit faster and might just agree but don't have any scientific evidence to back it up.


I will say that I played around on that site for awhile jumping around from https to http and have yet to receive a 404. I am going to add this line to anohter virt host on another server that I tend to see this issue on and see how it does there.

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ok now i have a new problem


all https links have a '/catalog' that is not required.


the link for checkout is...




instead of




Any other ideas on what to do?


Have a good look throught the configuration file that you have already altered, there is a variable in there for catalog root directory. If you have your store in the root directory of your server you should change this variable to reflect that, an example of my setting where I have my catalog in the root directory is below:


  define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/'); // absolute path required


Notice there is just a forward slash there...


Hope this helps.



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Here's the How-To from my FAQ section:


We have found that on some Cobalts you will experience Page Not Found while in an https (secure site). While this can happen randomly to any site it can be prevelant on https sites hosted on Cobalts, particularily RaQ 3 and 4 models.


To fix this you need to login via ssh and su to root (dedicated servers only) and go to:




and edit your httpd.conf file.




cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.bak


Go to the end of the file in the Virtual Hosts section and find the site you are having the issue with. Example:


VirtualHost 216.185.118.xxx>

ServerName www.yourdomain.com

ServerAdmin admin

DocumentRoot /home/sites/home/yoursite#

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^216.185.118.xxx(:80)?$

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.yourdomain.com(:80)?$

RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://www.yourdomain.com/$1 [L,R]

RewriteOptions inherit

AliasMatch ^/~([^/]+)(/(.*))? /home/sites/home/users/$1/web/$3

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

KeepAlive Off



NOTE: I have removed a < at the beginning of the VirutalHost tags to keep this script from seeing the code and hiding the tags, your httpd.conf file will have these.


You should not see the KeepAlive Off line in your file, add this line where you see it above.


You need to restart http:


/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart


Now you should not see near the quantity of https 404 pages that you have in the past.

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