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quantity controller v5.1 date problem


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Hi, I use the 20030203 snapshot, with QCv5.1 and the latest easypopulate.

The problem is that the date when a product is going to be available is all wrong. It's correct in my excell sheet, in my tab delimited file. The I upload it through easypopulate with following result:

DateAvail was --6/3/2003--DateAdded was ---- | 0702200322 | /xbox

Still no problem there.

but when I go and look on my site, the date is: 20/03/2006


So as you can see, my dateformat is being changed to the US format YYYY/MM/DD (2006/03/20 and the "03" is just dropped and the date is then reformated to be displayed conform my date formatting. :cry:


I think this is due to the QC contribution because when I look at the product detail page in my admin section, I can see there that next to the field to enter the date available, there is a comment that date's must be in YYYY/MM/DD format. I can use the little calendar the to correct the date, but then what's the use of using EP? :wink:


Does anyone know where I can change this?

It's getting kind of urgent because I can't go live with this ofcourse :(


thanks in advance!!!!!!!!


:(o o): . (o o) (o o)


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believe me, I wouldn't be asking if I knew it :?

I've looked in the manual, in the forum for the date conversion problem. I've tried them all, but I think this really is a QC issue...


is there nobody using this contrib who has the same problem?


please help!


thank you!


:(o o): . (o o) (o o)


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yes but, the strange thing is that all my other dates are correct. date the product was added to the catalog... all of them except that one...


same with you?


:(o o): . (o o) (o o)


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