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Q: can a product belong to two or more categories?


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I would like to add the same product to one or more categories, is that possible?


Example, say that you have a category "Flowers" and another category "Seed", then I would like to add the same product to both categories.


This would really help customers to find what they are looking for, even if they are looking in a categories close to each other.



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There is a Copy option when sitting on the file for copying a product as linked or duplicate and where you want to place it.


A Linked copy has to be to another category and is basically the same product so that changes from either category reflect in the other.


A Duplicate product is a seperate product that can be copied to the same or different category and starts with all of the same settings as the orignal product except for attributes.

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Thanks for the tips!


There is one thing though, when I use Link Copy, select another category for the linked products and click copy I am getting back to main category page. When I check in the new category nothing is there.


I am using OSC 2.2 (December 9'th I think).


Basically, there should be a new record in "products_to_categories" after the copy link operation, right? When I manually add a new record everything seems OK. Is this a flaw in the OSC version I've got or is it a bug?



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Sounds like you have a bug ... :shock:


When using either Copy as Linked or Duplicate you should be sitting on that product after the copy is complete so you can edit it or make changes.

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Strange, after I manually added a link product to the db the admin part started to work ... I do use cache, this might have caused this flaw.


Anyway, now everything is working. Thank you!



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When you copy as a "duplicate", it seems to default to "out of stock" and will not show on the product page until you either add stock or change the red light to green in admin.





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