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Download files from another server


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I have clients that have documents and software tools on their server. When I sell one of these products I want to give my customers the oppertunity to download them right away. Currently I was only able to use the download feature if the files were in my /download directory. Is there a way that I can point to the location on the server of my supplier? So instead of adding the filename in the downlaod feature I would add something like: http://www.theirserver.com/file.exe?


Any suggestions?

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  • 3 months later...

I'm just adding a comment to keep track of this post. I'm interested in this.


Can "download" be something a customer can do after purchasing a product? (not that the download is the product, the download is say a manual for the product, say it has info in it you don't want public, just for real customers?)


So someone buys my "survivor pencil" (for simplicity's sake)


I want to ship him the pencil, but it's so complex I'd like to give him access to my online pencil instructions (only HE and anyone else that purcases the pencil should have access to the manual)


Anyway, there doesn't need to be a limit on downloads, but it wouldn't hurt. When he downloads it he SHOULD keep it, and print it or something...


Anyway, I could do a straight open and public upload of the manual, but we have some info in there best kept not public (wiring diagrams etc, only the owner should have, not say, our biggest competitor)

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Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

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