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[~Contrib] Manage Conditions on multiple site


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not really a contrib but more a tips that help to manage Conditions, shipping when you have many site that request different conditions files

This will also let you create esiest to make html files for conditions without editing language files in define() and without care of quotes (" ' )


stop blah blah here is how to


in catalog/conditions.php



<td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_INFORMATION; ?></td>


replace by


<td class="main">



// elari change to create text information in separate html language file that must have name conditions_( your store name).php

// echo DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/conditions_' . strtolower(strtr(STORE_NAME,' ','_')) . '.php';


if (file_exists(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/conditions_' . strtolower(strtr(STORE_NAME,' ','_')) . '.php')){

include(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/conditions_' . strtolower(strtr(STORE_NAME,' ','_')) . '.php');

} else {





after that create a file

'conditions_the_name_of_your_store.php' and copy it in language files


if store name include 'space' replace them by '_' and lowercase file name


you can create file under any html / text editor just save it in text / html format and with final .php



PS strtolower(strtr(STORE_NAME,' ','_')) should have to be change to remove html or special characters like (: ? ! + ) if you have used them in your store name....


if the file name not ok , it will display the usual text_information


to debug problem just add before include

echo DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/conditions_' . strtolower(strtr(STORE_NAME,' ','_')) . '.php';

it will show you the name needed for file



you can do the same for shipping, privacy other same kind of files

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