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Error Message


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I've just installed the latest version and I can't solve this problem.


Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /services/webpages/r/i/rickcarroll.ca/public/catalog/includes/configure.php.


I've tried to find the answer here but no luck.


I have tried setting both configure.php files to 644 and 444 but nothing works.


Any suggestions?



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You have two of these files, on in your catalog folder and one on your admin.

If you are sure the permissions are set properly and you still get the warning you can turn it off.

open your catalog / includes / application_top.php right at the bottom you will find the code.

Set it from true to false for the applicable define.


But make sure first that the permissions are actually set.

You may want to do it form your hosting control panel, file manager as at time the FTP prog will not change it, but still report that it has.


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