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Help, Getting a 1054 - Unknown column 'products_length' in 'field list' Error

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I got online to revise a couple of products and get this error when ever I try to log into any specific product discription in the Catalog.


1054 - Unknown column 'products_length' in 'field list'


select pd.products_name, pd.products_description, pd.products_url, p.products_id, p.products_quantity, p.products_model, p.products_image, p.products_price, p.products_weight, products_length, products_width, products_height, products_ready_to_ship, p.products_date_added, p.products_last_modified, date_format(p.products_date_available, '%Y-%m-%d') as products_date_available, p.products_status, p.products_tax_class_id, p.manufacturers_id from products p, products_description pd where p.products_id = '36' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '1'




Any ideas how to fix this or where to go to find the solution someone has already provided. I searched around and could not find anything other than some differnnt 1054 errors.


Thank you for the help.


Rick J

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Did you start to add a contribution but not finish?? the products_length is not a standard osc table that I know of

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DO NOT PM ME FOR HELP. My time is valuable, unless i ask you to PM me, please dont. You will get better help if you post publicly. I am not as good at this as you think anyways!


HOWEVER, you can visit my blog (go to my profile to see it) and post a question there, i will find time to get back and answer you


Proud Memeber of the CODE BREAKERS CLUB!!

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Did you start to add a contribution but not finish?? the products_length is not a standard osc table that I know of



Hi, I get this same error message. I did try to add the "Extra Product Fields" add on. I'm assuming I must have done something wrong... Very much a newbie here... Any ideas where I should start to look for my mistake?


Any help would be much appreciated.


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well.. you it would SEEM that you added the code in the php pages per the addon, but you didnt run the MYSQL queries to create new tables

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DO NOT PM ME FOR HELP. My time is valuable, unless i ask you to PM me, please dont. You will get better help if you post publicly. I am not as good at this as you think anyways!


HOWEVER, you can visit my blog (go to my profile to see it) and post a question there, i will find time to get back and answer you


Proud Memeber of the CODE BREAKERS CLUB!!

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yes. In the addon's instructions, there will either be a section that says to plug a certain amount of code in the database, OR there is a file that is called .mysql that you can just import into your database using phpmyadmin

A great place for newbies to start

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DO NOT PM ME FOR HELP. My time is valuable, unless i ask you to PM me, please dont. You will get better help if you post publicly. I am not as good at this as you think anyways!


HOWEVER, you can visit my blog (go to my profile to see it) and post a question there, i will find time to get back and answer you


Proud Memeber of the CODE BREAKERS CLUB!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
yes. In the addon's instructions, there will either be a section that says to plug a certain amount of code in the database, OR there is a file that is called .mysql that you can just import into your database using phpmyadmin


Ok, Back on this problem. I am kind of stuck, I think I have gone back and added all the code changes, but I still have the error. How do I begin to trouble shoot it to run down what I need to fix?


Thanks for helping a newbe.



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I have gone back and added all the code changes

There are two completely separate operations that need to be done:


1) Add code to the script (.php) files, which it sounds like you have done.

2) Alter/update the database (MySQL) to add new fields or change existing ones, which it sounds like you have not done. This is done through a database interface such as phpMyAdmin, where you either manually type in the given SQL instructions, or tell MySQL to load and run a provided .sql script file.

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