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The e-commerce.

installation errors


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right ive had an oscommerce shop on my server before, i managed to get it to go to the catalog etc and i only ever had 1 warning at the top and that was form the permissions of the config i coudl not change due to the server being on windows.


i recently went to have a play with the store but forgot the admin password so removed the store completely and set about a fresh install.


each time i did the install i would get the finished sucsessfully message and the 2 options catalog or admin pannel


click on catalog and i get this message




1142 - DELETE command denied to user 'store'@'server213-171-218-133.livedns.org.uk' for table 'whos_online'


delete from whos_online where time_last_click < '1247042078'




1142 - INSERT command denied to user 'store'@'server213-171-218-133.livedns.org.uk' for table 'sessions'


insert into sessions values ('8lr1f96g21j8drkhorje3i2d66', '1247044418', 'cart|N;language|s:7:\"english\";languages_id|s:1:\"1\";currency|s:3:\"GBP\";navigation|N;')






i thought this was because i was not able to change the permissions for the configs but i have just changed to a linux server (used to be a windows server) and i have now changed the config files to 644 and deleted the install folder and i still only get this message.


the only thing i can think of is its a database problem


as when i try the admin login it says


Error: Invalid administrator login attempt.


any ideas people?

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i have no idea how to get into the sql database lol


ive read fro searchs that its the permissions thats incorrect, but on my hosting i have access to creat users but not access the actual database.


ive looked at phpmyadmin and other mysql software but i get lost very quickly.

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