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checkout totals don't add up


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I am in the process of building my site ( http://www.kidskavern.com ) and I have 2 currencies euro and gbp.


the site has gbp as standard currency and paypal has euro as standard currency


when the user buys something and clicks through the checkout, at the end when its shows the subtotal just before going off to paypal the totals dont match, for example if the item is 9.54 and the shipping is 6.00 then the subtotal should be 15.54 but will be 15.55 or 15.53.


now i know this is due to the exchange rate set up in the admin, but surely the total should be the total of the two amounts converted then added up, not show the two amounts in thier conversion seperatley where they have been rounded up or down and then for the total add the 2 amounts in original currency and then convert and show that.


I spotted this in paypal ipn(sandbox) which was returning that the amount processed didnt match the invoice total.


Any help would be greatly appreciated


thanks in advance


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I am in the process of building my site ( http://www.kidskavern.com ) and I have 2 currencies euro and gbp.


the site has gbp as standard currency and paypal has euro as standard currency


when the user buys something and clicks through the checkout, at the end when its shows the subtotal just before going off to paypal the totals dont match, for example if the item is 9.54 and the shipping is 6.00 then the subtotal should be 15.54 but will be 15.55 or 15.53.


now i know this is due to the exchange rate set up in the admin, but surely the total should be the total of the two amounts converted then added up, not show the two amounts in thier conversion seperatley where they have been rounded up or down and then for the total add the 2 amounts in original currency and then convert and show that.


I spotted this in paypal ipn(sandbox) which was returning that the amount processed didnt match the invoice total.


Any help would be greatly appreciated


thanks in advance




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