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Discount Coupon & WebAdvantages(credit card)


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Hi there,


I have discount coupon(http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/4269 by rajonbh on 21 march) installed it seems to work fine however, i was wondering if the discount is meant to display after the total as a line and is not actually taken off the total?.

for instance it will look like:




Sub-Total: $130.60

GST TAX 10.0%: $0.50

Discount Coupon CON09 applied: -$13.90

Total: $130.60





product1 AUD$139.00

product2 AUD$5.00

Subtotal: AUD$144.00

GST (10%): AUD$0.50

Total: AUD$144.50


where as it hasnt taken 10 dollars off the 204.95 and just displays the coupon title below.


But this discount function is work fine with money order payment, not with credit card payment.


I have this payment credit card module installed as well: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...h,web+advantage


and it doesnt take the discount through, is there a way for it to take the discount off the products or total before it reaches the gateway?


Thank you

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