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add products under products


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Hi all Is there a way to add products under products

Like at present we add products under categories

I mean I have to link 3-4 products under single product ..

any type of suggestion is most welcome !

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There are several contributions that put other products on the product info page. None of which force the customer to purchase the products as a group. But there are:


matching products

product groups

cross sell products


contributions in the contribution area.





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I think that the bundled products might be an option too, if you want to allow the customer to purchase a group of products at one rate.


Also, you can use attributes.. So if you have a product like FRUIT BASKET and you want to give them the option of PEARS, BANANAS, APPLES, and ORANGES, and they can add as many as they want up to 10 items, attributes can work for taht..



it all depends on the specifics..

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Actually I need to show all products on left column instead of categories

and on clicking product_info page has to open showing the product desc and attributes along with all other products under that product.

and if I choose categories on left and on clicking shows all products under product_info page then things are messing up

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You still are making no sense.. You are saying "products under products" and that makes no sense.You either need to link to something that is similar or explain it in more detail.. like a real world explaination..

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there is a new contibution called PRODUCT BUILDER or something of that nature.. I would look into that.. HOWEVER if you are not into coding, and you know nothing about web design, you will definitely need to hire someone. That is complex for osc, and not really standard functionality.


its still not products under products.. its just a category (Calenders) and then the products (Wall calender, poster calender, card calender) then you just customize using attributes..

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