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Product Listing Table


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When I click on a subcategoy and a list of products are brought forward for that subcategory, my colmun headings read:




I need to get the TABLE_HEADING_DESCRIPTION off of there.


Here is a link to my site:


Thank you!

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u have removed the define for TABLE_HEADING_DESCRIPTION in includes/languages/english.php



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What are your settings in admin >> Configuration >> Product Listing?


Title Value Action

Display Product Image 1

Display Product Manufaturer Name 0

Display Product Model 0

Display Product Name 3

Display Product Price 4

Display Product Quantity 0

Display Product Weight 0

Display Buy Now column 2

Display Category/Manufacturer Filter (0=disable; 1=enable) 1

Location of Prev/Next Navigation Bar (1-top, 2-bottom, 3-both) 3

Display Product Image



Do you want to display the Product Image?


Date Added: 06/05/2009

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What are your settings in admin >> Configuration >> Product Listing?


Thanks for the tip, but I could not find TABLE_HEADING_DESCRIPTION in includes/languages/english.php


The only place I have found it in product_listing.php

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Did you try to add a description in product listing contribution? If so, it seems that you added it twice. You should delete at least one and possibly both of the additions.


If you keep one, then you need to add something like

define('TABLE_HEADING_DESCRIPTION', 'Description');

to includes/languages/english.php (or whatever language). If you delete both, then you won't need that.


Another option would be to redownload osCommerce and upload an original copy of product_listing.php in place of the one that is there now. If that's the only change that has been made, that might be simpler than removing the contribution.

Always back up before making changes.

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Did you try to add a description in product listing contribution? If so, it seems that you added it twice. You should delete at least one and possibly both of the additions.


If you keep one, then you need to add something like

define('TABLE_HEADING_DESCRIPTION', 'Description');

to includes/languages/english.php (or whatever language). If you delete both, then you won't need that.


Another option would be to redownload osCommerce and upload an original copy of product_listing.php in place of the one that is there now. If that's the only change that has been made, that might be simpler than removing the contribution.


I went into product_listing.php and found the one place where TABLE_HEADING_DESCRIPTION was and I removed it leaving '' This removed it from the table heading. Then I found the description on the same page where it was listed as'...' I removed the ... and just left '' and now the columns are gone and I only have the 3 things listed that I need.


Thank you for all of your help.

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where there is an admin option its always best to use that, as editing he file directly is likely to give issues much later on, when u want to alter but forgot what u did b4



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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