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Can't login admin or create new account


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Long story short, I can no longer log into my store admin nor create a user account on the front end.


I tired the admin database reset trick but it still didn't work, when I looked in MYSQL, it had the password field filled in but the user_name field was empty after I tried to re-create the admin user. I tried filling in the user name field and I still couldn't log in afterward.


I went ahead and reinstalled it and it gave me the following for the admin fields

1  	admin  	536922ff06714d054199891a8f4c3e5e:Array


I checked the php.ini and it had register_globals off, not sure if it was ever on or if the hosting company turned it off and that's why I can no longer get it working. I tried to turn it on with .htaccess and got internal server error and tried to upload my own php.ini with it on to the root and admin folder, did nothing.


As for new users, when you try and create a new account, the page just reloads itself. I get no errors and no entries into mysql at all.


I sent a support ticket to the host about this but not expecting much help. My question is, could register_globals be causing this? Also, safemode is off.



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could register_globals be causing this


wouldnt have thought so, have u tried doing a repair in phpMyAdmin?



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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